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People are born, then eventually they die. That's what is supposed to happen. You live, you die. Its the worlds way of doing things. But, in an odd way, I am not going along with the "rules".

I have been shot, stabbed, thrown off a building (don't ask), and broken almost every bone. But, somehow, it heals almost instantly, and I don't feel the pain. And, no, I am not crazy. No, I am not dead. I am alive and kickin'.

Some say that I get it from my dad. I don't know, maybe. He bleeds sometimes and I don't think I have ever bled a drop of blood (don't ask about that either).

It may be unhealthy, for me to not be able to feel pain, or not ever bleed, or break my wrist and be able to bend it back into place and it be healed instantly, but, you have to admit, it is kind of awesome.

I mean, I might get it from my dad. He is the one and only Captain America.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 14, 2016 ⏰

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