Sniper x reader Part 1

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As requested by @JoannaNikolakakos
I sat there waiting the arival of the RED team..i was the new sniper and was told i would be picked up by now. Sudenly a van drove up to me in the hot, dry dessert. "About time" i mumbled to myself.

Sniper's POV
I drove up to the person i was supossed to pick up. "No this cant be right"...i checked the paperwork then back at her, then the paperwork, then her. Did this for a while till i saw her walkin uo to me van. "Bloody way this is the new mercinary.." she was gorgeous. (H/L), (H/C), (H/T) hair. Red t-shirt with a vest and...ah piss...short shorts..tight ones too...

Readers POV
I saw he was lookin at me through the window. I didnt know wether it was cute or disturbing..ah oh well. I knocked on the vans door. "You gunna let me in or am i gunna melt first?" the door immediately opened and a quiet handsom man hopped out next to me. "E-ello there shielia" the man said scratching the back of his neck.

I smiled at him. Looking at every detail as i said "names (Y/N). Im the new sniper." He chuckled. "And i be your trainor. Now hop in. We gotta get back to the RED base," I followed his commands and hoped in. This was gunna be a fun ride.

*time skip brought to you by unicorns*

Its been a whole year that iv'e worked here at tuefort, and me and sniper became a thing too. I wonder what ue wants to talk about after the battle... I thought. I snapped out of it just in time to shoot a bloody spy as the Admin barked out the words "RED team wins"

"Time to see what he needs." i said as i walked back inside.

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