Chapter 11

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Nicki POV

I woke up to an empty bed. I got up stretching going to the bathroom handling my personal hygiene. Once I was finish I fixed my hair back up into the ponytail meek did last night. I walked out grabbing my phone realizing I had a business call about the stores I opened up. I'll call them later after I go see what my family is up to.

As I made it down the last step Chapo came up sniffing my feet. "Ugh move you weird ass dog" I say kicking my feet at him as he followed me to the kitchen. "Good morning baby" meek says as I walked up to him giving him a good morning kiss. "Baby Chapo getting a lil too big to be in the house a lot" I say walking over to the girls who have yet to acknowledge my presence. "Nah he good. What harm is he causing baby? And besides I only let him in like what 2 to 3 times a day" meek says frying the turkey bacon. "Uhhhh I say once a week" I respond snatching Ayan's crayon from her hand.

"*gasp* heeeeeey mummy why yew do dat for" she says as I looked at her funny taking Rhys crayon too. "Do you guise not see ya mommy standing here with this big ole belly? Good morning girls" I say as they got up hugging me telling me good morning. I gave them their crayons back as meek finished breakfast. "I'm so glad you've been fixing meals lately baby. Lord knows I hated cooking and cleaning all by myself" I say sitting back rubbing my belly. "Look Ayan. See ya brother poking momma's skin" I ask as she got down walking over to me with big eyes. "Can I touch it" she asks giggling as I nodded my head laughing at her silliness.

Meek came over with our plates as I graced the food. Once we were done I headed upstairs to get ready to run by the store and to meet Na about my baby shower planning. Meek is taking the girls over his moms house so he can run his errands with the chasers."Alright baby see y'all in a little bit" I say going over to kiss him as he was tying Rhys shoes. I hugged the girls heading off to a busy day.

Meek POV

I dropped the girls off heading to our new warehouse. About 30 minutes later I arrived going in seeing chino fixing up the duffle bags. "Meek my man wassup bull" tak says dapping me up. "Nothing much just coolin, layin low enjoying my family. Feels good to be back tho. Yall been doing good keeping up with the drops and shit. " I ask walking over to grab a blunt. "Yeah man you know we've been holding shit down while you were away. Everything running smooth pretty much" Omelly says walking over to me as I passed him the blunt.

"How my nieces" he asks as I sat back rubbing my waves. "Spoiled as fuck, both of em. Nicki too" I say cheesing thinking about my babies. "Nicki at the store working today. Told her she doesn't need to be working but she feel that being a stay at home mom is boring. And besides that store is like her baby so I let her have it" I say taking a long drag blowing the smoke out through my nose. "Imma show up today with some flowers to show her how much she's been on my mind" I say cheesing as they shook their head at me.

"Alright so y'all know we got to make sure Macy and Tracy ain got no back up people. I know they're dead and all but they prolly got niggas out for us the minute they knew they were going to get killed." Omelly says walking over to the computer.

"Even if they do got niggas out for us I'm not worried cuz I always stay strapped. Plus they'd be some pussy niggas to even think about trying some shit with out me letting them get away with it" I say standing up "well before we go check things out follow me to Nicki's store real quick then we'll head from there" I say as we all gathered our things walking out to our cars.

Nicki POV

I was in my office in the back when jasmine knocked on my door telling me I had a special visitor up front. I got up following her with my head down looking at my phone. "Jasmine who..... *gasps* babyyyyyyy" I yell sitting my phone behind the counter waddling over to meek. "Hey baby" he says while handing me a bouquet of roses. "Thank you baby these smell nice" I say smelling them. "Uh jas u mine taking over for a few minutes" I ask grabbing Meeks hand leading him to my office. "Sure" she says as we went to the back.

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