Chapter One

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I stepped into McKinley High on the first day of 10th grade. My eyes darted in every direction looking for her, "Zoe!!" I turned to see Candace hopping up and down shouting my name. She smiled showing all her straight beautiful teeth. I smiled back and waved, she darted my way and hugged me tightly.

"Girl, I didn't see you all damn summer!" I shrugged "I know, I've been working." She wrapped her arm around my shoulders "Zoe, we are 10th graders now!! Whoo!" Her voice echoed in the somewhat empty hallways, it was 30 minutes before the bell rang and some people were setting up their lockers. "Yeah, I know. Hey do you know where lock B34 is at?" I remember in 9th grade the A lockers were for us, but now we're in 10th grade and have the B lockers. Wow. "Yup! My lockers actually B68 so I'll be seeing you just across the hall!"

We walked down the hall, our steps in unison until we reached our lockers. "Schedule exchange!" We switched schedules as we set up our lockers. I placed all my books onto the bottom shelf, a mirror on the door, and a hoodie on the top shelf. I turned and saw Candace standing at her locker, which was parallel to mine. She turned and shrieked when she realized most of the classes we had were together. In contrast I smiled and nodded. "This is awesome!! I have 1st through 5th with my Wifey!" She beamed at me and hugged me tightly once again. "Oh! I have a totally amazing surprise for you," RIIIIING "Screw it! Meet me at 1st period!" She ran off down the hallway, her raspberry red hair flowing behind her. "K, see you!" I shouted after her.

I checked my schedule once more,

1st.World History (8:30-9:25) 2nd. Algebra 2 (9:30-10:25) 3. Art 2 (10:30-11:25) 4th. Chemistry (11:30-12:25) LUNCH (12:30-1:00) 5th. FREE PERIOD (1:05-2:25) 6th. English (2:30-3:25) 7th. Gym (3:30-4:25)

At least I had 1-4 with Candy, but I don't know if I'll survive Gym without her. I placed my WH book and A2 book in my messenger bag and a few pens and pencils. I tossed my long brown hair behind me and slung the bag over me. I slammed my locker shut and yanked on the lock to close it. I spun around and bumped into a hard chest and my bag flipped over and its contents fell on the floor. In reaction I awkwardly slumped to my knees and picked up the pens and pencils franticly. "Oh, sorry about that dude." A husky voice spoke to me, a voice I didn't recognize. 

My eyes met black converse then black loose, but still skinny, skinny jeans with a chain on the side. I looked further up to see a Blink 182 shirt slightly covered by a leather jacket. He got to his knees and picked up my two book and a random high lighter. "Sorry." He said apologetically I licked my lips as I looked into his stormy grey eyes, a hoop piercing was over his left eyebrow. His thin but long light pink lips formed a sympathetic smile, "Crap, not a good way to start the year huh?" I smiled as he helped me up. "I'm Sebastian." Oh I knew who he was. Last year I delivered at least 10 Suspension Notaries to his desk as officer helper. Those aren't too bad, well it's just a slip that says you're suspended for a certain amount of days as of tomorrow. "Yeah, I'm Zoe Vazquez." I smiled warmly at him and he smiled back. I slung the bag over my shoulder again, this time making sure the flap was closed. "Well, I'll see you around?" I shrugged. "Sure."

I walked down the hall to my class and heard a familiar voice calling my name "Zoe! Zoe!" I turned and saw him. "Martin?" He smiled and hugged me tightly. "Martin! Oh my gosh, what are you doing here? I thought you were at Kennedy?" He kissed my head repeatedly "I'm here now!" Martin had gone to school with Candy and I since 1st grade all the way till 7th. He then transferred to Kennedy Academy. Its a private school, grades 6th-12th. We were sure he was staying there for the rest of his school years. Yet, here he is! "Wow..  Hey! What class do you have next?" "Umm, World History!" I frowned and then shoved my WH book in his face "Me too!" He laughed and walked me to class.

"Morning guys! Happy to be back?" A small Asian looking women stood at the front of the classroom, everyone groaned and laughed in response "I'll take that as a yes! Well, of course we're still getting used to things so do what you like but keep it down. No warnings, when I say quit it, it's done. Got it? K, go be weirdoes!" I made a questioningly look at Ms. Lee and returned to Candy's speech. "So anyways, I'm so going to take advantage of Free Periods this year. I'm going to do Drama and Choir and Piano! I want to be the next umm... girl singer person. You guys get it!" Martin laughed "I think you should stick to singing in the shower, sweetie." He placed his hand on Candy's face and shoved her "Hey! Well what are you going to use Free Periods for?" "I don't even know what that means." "Exactly!" Candy rubbed her long finger in Martin's face "So hush, puppy! What are you going to do with Free Periods, Zoe?" I shrugged "Hmm, I want Piano and German and I think I'll go smoke some pot on the side." I stuck my tongue out jokingly and Martin playfully spanked my hand "No, no bad stuff Zoe." "Ha, I know Martin." He smiled and his deep dimples formed.


I stepped into the cafeteria overwhelmed by all the noise "Where do you guys want to sit?" Martin held his tray and so did I, Candy had her backpack clutched to her chest. "What about outside?" Martin and I nodded at Candy's suggestion. We opened the door outside and smelled the fresh air, it was still a bit noisy but nothing like the lunch room ruckus. There were only about 3 tables of people, 2 of which we're obviously the choir and acapella people. The other table had people chatting and laughing with sketchpads next to them. "This'll do fine!" Candy sat down at the table and opened her backpack which always had awesome food. This time: PB+J sandwich, a water bottle, takis, and a bag with three cookies. "Om Nom Nom." Candy bit into her sandwich while I munched on an apple and Martin drank a PowerAde. "One, two, three." Candy gave each of us a cookie. "My own batch." She said happily. "So, Martin, why are you here at McKinley?" "Mom and Dad couldn't afford the private school anymore. I don't see why they put me in there in the first place." Candy made a face, crap. "Martin, you got into so many fight in 6th grade! What do you mean you don't know why?" "Candy, the 7th graders were jerks. K, if I didn't fight them they would've kept picking on me and stuff." Martin never, ever cursed. It was so adorable when he let words like damn slip out. "Oh so it just makes sense to change schools!" "Candy, I'm here now. I was in 6th grade you think I was going to object to my parents suggestion which honestly, wasn't even a bad one." She yanked the cookie from his hand and shoved it in her mouth. "No or ookie or oo!" She swallowed, "NO MORE COOKIE FOR YOU."

"Candy, calm down. What's the big deal?" I asked in my hushed voice "The deal is tha-" She stopped talking. "Hey, Zoe?" I turned around to see Sebastian next to me "Oh hey!" "Mind, if I join you guys?" Candy smiled brightly "No, sit!" He sat down with a bag of chips and a PowerAde. "So uh, hi. I'm Sebastian." "Hi! I'm Candy, you know Zoe and this is Martin." Sebastian nodded "Yup, I know Zoe." He smiled at me and laughed lightly. "So uh, what do you guys have next?" "I have Free Period" "So do I." He responded to me with his husky voice. "I've got Gym and Martin has.." "I have Art 2." "Cool, well Zoe what are you going to take for Free Period?" "I think I'm going to take German today." He smiled. "Serious? Me too!" I smiled and stared into his grey eyes once more.  RIIING

"Bye babe!" Candy gave me a kiss on the cheek and ran into the cafeteria "Bye Z" Martin ran down the courtyard leaving me and Sebastian to each other. "Can I walk you to German?" "Ha, Umm sure!" I grabbed my bag and followed him into the cafeteria down a hallway to the left. He opened a door "Its so close to the cafeteria." He laughed as we stepped in just as the bell rang again. "You guys have this class?" We shook our heads "Free Period." Sebastian said, "Ok, take a book read some of the words and try to speak them to each other. I swear I'm beast at teaching German but right now all this getting adjusted... Just do that." The tall pale woman said. We nodded and sat at a desk and read German to each other for the entire period, asking only a few questions on how to pronounce certain words. RIIIING

"Again, sorry guys for not having anything planned. Will you come again?" We nodded and walked out "Thank you!" I said to the teacher.


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