Ej:*eats kidney*
Raven:*watches wondering what a kidney would taste like hoping he wouldn't notice*
Narrarator:a young ravelosaraptor stalks her prey wanting his meal...
Raven:*whispers* shut up mr.Narrarator guy!
Ej:*looks over*
Narrarator:the younge Eyeless jackolopagus sees her
Ravens:*eyes widen angrily* *falls out of chair*
Narrarator:the young eyeless jackolopagus offers the young ravelosaraptor a peice.
Ej:??? *shrugs and offers*
Narrarator: the ravelosaraptor takes it like a man
Raven:*grabs Narrarator and beats him up*
Narrarator:ahhh the ravelosaraptor is attacking the Narrarator
Screen:beeeeeeep *shuts off*
Audience member: weirdest nature documentary I have ever seen.... *washes eyes with bleach*