Chapter 1

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Finally the jet landed and you got up from your seat and stretched before leaving. Getting in a taxi you took a short trip to the building and exited the taxi before walking up to the large brick building.
<> ( on too the story! )

"Hey! Y/N dude!!" You turned at the sound of your voice to see a light brown haired American with sparkling blue eyes. "Hi America!" You smiled and waved back. You and America tended to end up getting places around the same time due to how close you lived. "How was your flight?" You asked politely. "It was awesome as always! I read some comics." He grinned as he ran up to your side and bumped into you playfully.

"That sounds like fun! So what's this meeting about again?" You asked. They usually have a briefing but you had no idea this time.

America shrugged, "don't know I missed the briefing.." He said. You frowned slightly. I didn't hear anything about a briefing.. Did I miss it?

Before you got the chance to ask the American you had met the meeting room doors. "I got it." You said grabbing the door and pulling open walking in after America.

What you came to see was the weirdest thing. Complete silence. Not one country spoke as you entered the room. All eyes where on you and Alfred. (America's human name)

"You're late." Germany said his arms crossed over his chest as he stood at the end of the large table. " uh.. I'm sorry!" You said holding up your hands in defense. They usually weren't that angry.

"Please sit down you two." England said looking seriously at both of you. You turned to America and looked at him.

"Seriously dudes? What happened someone die?" He asked his voice only sounding partly like he was joking. "Not yet." France whispered looking down to the table.

"Guys? What's going on?" You asked. "You're starting to scare me.." You said.
"Sit so we can talk." Someone said although you didn't see who. You walked to the table and sat America sitting next to you.

Germany stood and walked to the front of the room all eyes shifted to him. This is too weird.. Why is everyone so quite?

"As you all know we each as country's have what you'd call second players. These are countries like us that are the bad or dark sides of each of us." Germany said. America sighed, "yeah yeah! We've known about them for forever so what?" He asked several nations glared at him.

"Well. Lately in their dimension they've been causing so much trouble, that, it's starting to effect this dimension." He sighed. "People have gone missing and some have died... The dimensions are so out of balance ours is, as you'd say, getting rid of people." He paused. "This is bad enough but it gets worst, it's starting to effect us." He said slowly. "As you can see some of the countries are missing, they are sickly. The will die if we don't fix this issue."

The room was silent. He's kidding... People are missing? My friends are dying? How will we fix it.. "What will we do?" You blurted before you could think it through.

The nations looked to you, "Well, it's been decided that we need to, kill our 2ps." Germany said. You stood abruptly, "what. Your joking." You looked around the room to see no one laughing." He's right." Japan said softly. America looked to you, "that seems to be the best option."

"You guys sound like the 2ps. Kill them? That makes you just as bad!" You yelled at them. "Non. Y/n we tried to think of something else. There is no other way." France said solely. "It's for our people." Spain added.

You looked around hopelessly. This is wrong. Why would they go so far. I need to change there minds. You thought looking around frantically. Finally an idea came to you.

"They are from a different dimension how are you supposed to kill them!" You pointed out hopefully.

"Well that's why we've called a meeting." Germany said. He looked over to England, "Mr. Kirkland has found a way to transport one person to their dimension."

You looked at them in awe. Yes you where mad but that was impressive.

"Who will you send?" You asked grasping at straws.


This is when you felt it. All eyes on you. "Y/n " Spain said softly. You looked to him. "We have to send you."

Your heart felt as if it had stopped. Everything that happened next happened in slow motion. "Y/n?" Someone... You couldn't tell who called.

"Me?" You questioned feeling dizzy. Maybe they where done with you and ready for you to go away?

You stood suddenly making Italy jump. You stumbled towards the door catching yourself on the wall. "Wait. Let us explain!" Austria said.

America walked over to you grabbing your shoulder. "Don't worry dudette.. They won't make you do anything!" He said. "Let's just hear them out." He said.

You where finally sitting back at the table.

"It must be you.. You're the only human who knows." Italy said patting your back as if you where lucky. "Why must a human go? I don't want to. I can't kill." You said softly.

"We can't risk one of us going. If one get hurt our country...." Japan didn't need to finish for you to understand.

I can do this... Kill so my friends can live.. It can't be that hard...

"How will you get me home?" You asked. Maybe you could do this.


"We haven't figured out yet." England said. Oh I understand. They can leave me there to die without consequence. "Do I have a choice?"

"Yes.. " you looked around at the nations you had grown to love as friends and family.

If I don't kill the 2p's my friends might die.

"Fine. But you have to bring me home."

Living with Killers| 2p Hetalia x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now