Day 2...

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    While Emma was at school her mum came over.

“Where were you, you were meant to visit yesterday!” Bellowed Mark.

“It’s not my fault I was busy!” replied Emma’s mum, Rebecca.

“To busy to see your own daughter?” objected Mark.

“Actually I was to busy!” Snapped Rebecca.

She stormed out of the door, slammed it and drove off. Mark opened the door and followed her outside.

“Emma’s not going to be happy when she has found out that you haven’t come over!”Shrieked Mark to the car.

 He then sighed and went back inside.

    As soon as Emma came home she knew her mum wasn’t there and that she had an argument with her dad.

“Where is mum?” screamed Emma.

“She’s gone,” murmured Mark, sitting with his head in his hands.

Emma stomped to her room just like her mum, Rebecca.

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