Chapter 1

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You wake up surrounded by the smell of ash and despair. It had been approximately five hours since the angels had landed this morning and destroyed everything you had once called home. You weren't sure if it was just your town or if it was the whole world but one thing was for certain, these angels were not your guardian angels. They were there to slaughter and your only chance of survival would be to do everything possible to stay out of sight. That is if you wanted to stay alive.

As you were losing yourself in your thoughts, you hastily remembered about your family. You get up quickly, surprised that the only injuries you had acquired was a sore neck, a few cuts, and a sprained ankle. You try to look around at the remains of your home for any sign of movement, but there was nothing. It was silent. You quickly gave up on the little string of hope you had of your parents and little brother being alive. It was then that the thought occurred to you. It's too silent.

There were no sounds of survival anywhere around you. You start to freak out. How are you going to survive? There was no food or water anywhere in sight. This meant you would have to leave to search around for food and water and of course you didn't want to leave your safe haven but if you didn't you would starve to death. Yes it would probably be safer to just stay hidden here but for how long until your luck runs out and an angel shows up to kill you?

After about an hour of sitting in a dark corner contemplating on what you should do, you finally made up your mind. You need to get out and scour for food. Hell. Maybe you'll even run into another survivor and you guys can stick together. "Yeah this isn't such a bad idea?", you thought to yourself as you got up and left what was left of your home.

You went exploring in a few of your neighbors house but found nothing. You decided you needed to go farther. To the local grocery store about four blocks away. It would normally take you thirty minuets to walk there but since you had a sprained ankle and also had to stay out of sight, it took you two hours to finally arrive. You look up at the sign that says "99 Ranch Market". Thankful that the market was still in tact and looked like it still had some sort of food on the inside. You enter cautiously, tip toeing around, you gather as much food as you can into a fabric grocery bag.

When you had finally finished and left, you didn't know what time it was but from looking at the sky, you guessed it to be around five o'clock. The skies were darkening quickly and you needed to hurry up before you had to travel back to your "house" in the darkness.

On your trip to the market, you were too paranoid to actually take in the scenery around you. But now that your nerves were more calm, you actually stopped to look around at what was your hometown. Of what was known as Plano, Texas. Now it's just half concrete buildings with pools of blood and bodies everywhere in the streets.

As you were losing yourself in your surrounding, you realized there was movement from above you. You quickly dart under a bridge hoping the angels had not seen you. There was three of them. You then heard their landing above you.

"I think this town has been wiped out Yoongi."

Giggling to himself, Taehyung licks his lips, "Yeah me too, we looked everywhere for survivors but didn't find any. I think we can ditch this place. They're all dead."

Yoongi sighs, "I don't know... I swear I saw movement earlier when I flew by. Also, didn't you say you wanted to rest your wings a bit Jimin?"

Jimin rolls his eyes, "I did but... It's been a long few hours of killing humans, and I'd rather fly back to our base to rest."

"Fine. Lets head back then."

You let our a sigh of relief when you hear them take off. You stay still for a few more minuets to make sure it was safe to start moving again. It was now pretty dark out and you couldn't really tell where you were going. You were going in circles.

You let out a frustrated groan, "How the fuck am I going to get home.", you say out loud before turning your head only to lock eyes with the most beautiful human you have ever seen. Before you knew it you were crying in relief that there was another survivor. You foolishly run into his arms for comfort. Your short moment of bliss soon ends when you realize he was too perfect to be a human. He literally had this aura around him that glowed and it was too late before you realized he wasn't a human. But an angel. You then hear three other landings around you.

"Tsk Tsk Tsk, what do we have here? A survivor? Wow. I'm impressed." Taehyung says with a devilish smirk.

This was it. Your luck had finally ran out. You were going to die but you made amends with the thought. Maybe dying would be better than living in this constant fear of being caught. You're pulled out of your thoughts by one of the other angels speaking to the boy that was now holding you hostage.

"Kook, what are you doing? Kill her so we can leave." Jimin says before he turns his back to find something more interesting.

"I mean if you don't wanna, I can do it." Taehyung says with a smile before turning to look at you.

"Don't worry sweetheart, i'll make it quick." he adds as he laughs.

You look up at the boy who was holding you. He had no emotions on his face. He looks down only to make eye contact with you again. His eyes softens as he softly smiles at you. He finally speaks and what he says isn't any better than being killed. Your heart sinks when you finally register what he proposed.

"I don't know guys. She's kind of cute. Why don't we bring her back to the base and put her in the chamber with the other human whores?"

(A/N: Hiii. So i'm a new writer to the whole fanfic world and feedback would be much appreciated! I don't know. I just got bored and this kind of came out... Hopefully it makes sense! I'm thinking about making this a series but we'll see what happens with the feedback. Please ask me anything if you have any questions or even any suggestions! -Gia)

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