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I plopped on my bed with a deep content sigh. I was relieved to be home from the long mission I've been on. Aro has had me on mission after mission since I completed my training. It took for me strangling him for till he gave me brakes in between missions.

Let's just say no one forgot that day.

Its been a little more than  two years since the day I had awakened as a vampire. And what an eventful two year's its been.

The day I woke up, they were all surprised at my excellent control of my almost none existent blood lust. Aro thought that it would be a good idea it put me through training at once.

I saw no problem with that idea at first. So that's why for the first six months of my new life was nothing but straight training. Normally you have to go through a whole year of training, but I finished in half that.

You are not allowed to be with your mate, if you had one at the time or your friends while you train. I was not having that so I pushed myself to the limit.

I did not want to stay away from Vicky, Jane, or my little girl.

I spent every moment fighting. Learning. Not stopping to rest or even feed. I wanted to test myself at how long I could go without feeding before I lost it. Turns out I can last almost a month before I  lose it and look for a meal.

And that was with vigorous training and injuries. 

I still had enough control to stop myself if the first one I came across was someone I did not want to drain.

Aro decided that my training was over seeing as I defeated every one in the Volturi without the aid of my gifts, including him and the other Kings.

I took a month break to get to now the members of the coven and to spend time with my new family. Towards the end of that month I got a vision of a worn wooden cabin in Texas. I don't know how I knew it was Texas but just did. I felt a pull and the need to get there as soon as possible. I told my family then the Kings of it. It was decided that I would go solo on this, much to Jane's displeasure. I was presented with my crest and cloak. I slipped on the mask I had Vicky made for me them I was off.


After couple hours it seemed like I was getting closer to where I needed to be. The pull was getting stronger. I stopped dead in my tracks when I smelt other vampires in the area. I surrounded myself with my physical shield to mask my presence and continued on, keeping an eye out for any vampires.

The cabin I saw in my vision reeked of sweat, blood, sex and decay. What set me of was the three racing heartbeats I heard from inside. Placing a soundproof shield around it I went inside.

It was one open room with cots lining the walls. They were all occupied with the dead mangled bodies of naked girls tied to the end posts. All but three. I couldn't tell how old they were, but I know they were very young.

"Don't hurt us please! Just let us go! We won't say anything!" The one that looked the oldest shouted out.

I walked up to them slowly till I was standing before them. With each step I felt their fear and panic rise immensely.

It was almost to much for me to handle.

"I won't hurt any of you, I pro-"

"Your lying! Your a monster just like the rest of them!" The same girl said interrupting me.

For someone that is down right terrified sure as hell have a mouth on her.

"L-look at h-h-her eyes." The smallest one of them said.

Oh great. I just made them fear me more. Its not my fault my eyes glow a bright crimson when I feel strong emotions of irritation and anger. And it just so happens that being interrupted irritates me greatly.

Slowly I raise my hand to remove my mask and pull down my hood to make me look less scary to them. There's nothing i can do about my eyes ttyl I calm down though.

"I know your afraid of me right now but I need all of you to trust me right now. We don't have much time." I spoke softly but quickly.

Shit. I can already hear footsteps getting closer.

And its a lot of it.

"I'm sorry, but seeing as you know about our existence, you only have two options."

"You can either stay here and let what happened to the others happen to you. Or you can come with me and I'll take care of you. It would make me happy if you choose to come with me."

While they where thinking about it I decided to tell Jane to track me later and to send a clean up crew to my current location. It wasn't hard for me to figure out that these girls got captured by Maria's army.

And boy was Jane mad when I told her where I was. It was funny how she tried to hide how worried she was.

First time out the castle as a vampire and I have to deal with an entire army by myself.

When will I ever stop being a goddamn danger magnate.

"We will go with you as long as you don't hurt us."

I smile in agreement and broke their chains. Unfortunately there's nothing I can do about their cuts and bruises for right now. They put on the cloaks I had a feeling I would be needing.

Slipping the mask back on I led everyone outside just to stop a couple yards later my Maria and her little goons.

"Well it seems like their is someone stupid enough to steal from me." Maria said with a cocky smirk.

Why the fuck is it that I always have to deal with cocky bitches! Seriously!

Whatever. I'll deal with her soon enough. Let her talk all she wants. It just gives me more time to copy the gifts her army has.

And then the fun began.


"Isa the Kings request your presence in the throne room"

Aw man. I was just getting to the good part too.

"I'm coming." This better be good. I was enjoying my bed.

In the throne room I see Jane there as well. I walked up beside her and waited for the reason I was called.

"Ahh its good to see you two again. Splendid job on your last mission!" I wonder if he does be drinking blood of stoners or something to be that peppy.

"Now I know you two just came back from a hard mission, but I need you to go on another one right away. I want you to go protect the Denali Coven."


The Sweetest Love is Pain (Lesbian Stories) #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now