Harry x Reader: Promise Me.

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A/n: Just a quick little scribble scrabble note to you guys before this.... I ran out of hp pictures....I'll look for some at school and try to change the pictures I have on here.
Reader's POV~
I was a shy Gryffindor when I started my education at Hogwarts. It's been three years since that. I was now in year three. The people in the other houses would always pick on me and say that I wasn't good enough to be in Gryffindor. I would stand there and take it, that is until Harry would come over and shoo them away. He would then put his hands on my shoulders, look into my e/c eyes and say the same thing every time,' don't let them get to you y/n! They are trying to get in your head, trying to get you to run away.' I would end up crying and hugging him till I stopped crying... I had a thing for the glasses wearing half blood. I just don't know how to tell him
Harry's POV~
I ran all over Hogwarts when Ron told me that he saw y/n getting pushed around by Draco and his so called friends. I saw her on the ground, she was curled up into a ball, crying. I sighed and went to her, checking to see if they hurt anything. After that, I picked her up and took her to the hospital. The next day I saw her walking, it was a bit wobbly and she was looking at her feet as she tried to walk down the hall. I went to her and took her arm,startling her to the floor. I gasped and helped her up she looked into my eyes and said the words I've been waiting for her to say,"Harry? I-I love you..." I hugged her, making sure I don't hit the visible cut on her. I took her to her dorm so she can get dressed in something that wouldn't show it. As she came out, I gently grazed my lips on hers, taking her by surprise, but she kissed back. Then we heard a wolf whistle and turned to see Fred and George. Y/n blushed and hid in my back. I chuckled and shooed them away asking y/n," Promise me you won't let them hurt you anymore?" She nodded and said,"I promise."
Another one done! This one took my whole bus ride XD

Harry Potter x Reader one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now