Everything related to zodiac and astrology is here.
Each piece of information is taken from web/instagram or tumblr. Includes random, funny and interesting facts of all the zodiacs.
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The four zodiac elements are: air, fire, earth and water and each of them represent an essential type of energy that acts in each of us.
These four elements are found in each of us and they describe the four unique personality types associated with astrological signs. The four zodiac elements exhibit profound influence on basic character traits, emotions, behavior and thinking.
Water signs :exceptionally emotional and ultra-sensitive people. Highly intuitive and can be as mysterious as the ocean itself. Water signs have a great memory and they love profound conversations and intimacy. They openly criticize themselves and are always there to support their loved ones. The Water Signs are: , Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces
FIRE SIGNS: passionate, dynamic, and temperamental. They get angry quickly, but they also forgive easily. They are adventurers with immense energy. They are physically very strong and are a source of inspiration for others. Fire signs are intelligent, self-aware, creative and idealistic people, always ready for action. The Fire Signs are:Aries, Leo and Sagittarius.
EARTH SIGNS:"grounded" people and the ones who bring us down to earth. They are mostly conservative and realistic, but they can also be very emotional. They love luxury and material goods. They are practical, loyal and stable and they stick by their people through hard times. The Earth Signs are:Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn .
AIR SIGNS: love communication and relationships with other people. They are thinkers, friendly, intellectual, communicative and analytical people. They love philosophical discussions, social gatherings and good books. They enjoy giving advice, but they can also be very superficial. The Air Signs are:Gemini, Libra and Aquarius.
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(sorry for the small Fire & Air image, this is the one I was able to find)