Can you relate?

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Star Pov
After Marco left, I decided for me to leave too "I'm going to go Jackie, I had fun" "Oh alright, be careful" she stood up and hugged me "I will thanks" I waved and walked home, when I got there Marco was sitting on porch, why is he here "What are you going to do?" I said standing in front of him "I introduce myself again but in a nicer way or something" I rolled my eyes "Yeah right, I'm going inside" he got up and grabbed my wrist "Whoa! Hold up, I'm trying to be nice to you!" I pulled my arm away but he was strong "Let go of me, your hurting me!" He let go "Alright..sorry I guess" he scuffs and so do I "Your never going to be nice, so don't try.." I said holding my wrist "Let me see your wrist" I backed up a bit and he grabbed me softly this time " burns" he rolled his eyes "Duh..come on, you have to run it under cold water" "Okay..this isn't a trick?" "No princess, it ain't come in trust me" "Why would I trust you?" He seemed annoyed but ignored it and we were in the bathroom and he ran it under the water, and it felt better "Thanks, I suppose" I said softly and he smirked "Your welcome, princess" he wraps in a bandage and holds for a while "Um Marco you can let go now, I'm fine" he let go and fixed his hair "What's the deal with your hair?" He chuckles and I look at him weird "Oh, your serious? Um let's say I look better with my hair up instead of down, I look like a nerd or did..before" he sat on the top of the toilet and I watch his expression change from his rude behavior "is it true?" He looked at me "About what?"

"That you wasn't this bad?" He chuckles and scuffs "Yeah..a long time ago..but you don't want to hear it princess" he got up and walked out the bathroom and I stopped him "Can you move princess?" I looked at his dark brown eyes "Can you please tell me how you became...this" he sigh and looks to his side and I see him clench his jaw "Sure..just let me enter my room" I moved and he entered his room and I follow behind, it smelled like dirty gym clothes "God, it smells like something died in here" I covered my nose "I workout, duh and I sweat, do you want me to tell you my story or not?" I move closer to his bed and I slowly sit down and he chuckles "Don't worry my bed is the clean, nothing really happens on it" that made me feel a little better "Sure.." He sighs "It's was 1st grade, i was the goody two shoes just like you" "Ha very funny.." He laughs a bit "Anyway..when I was in a class I always followed the rules and became a teachers pet...eventually it got to the point where everyone made fun of me, even jackie , I tried being cool and stuff but nothing really worked..until it was 6th grade, a boy was bullying me and I had enough...I punched him that he had a broken and bloody nose" I was so surprised "when everyone saw that, nobody bothered me again, and when I returned back people were afraid of me..and I took the chance and changed my image" wow really? "So as the years went on, so did I, I workout, I changed the way I look and act, my grades began to sink and I became popular.." I rolled my eyes "Wow..that's pretty rough...I can relate"

Marco Pov
I smirked, I want to this princess and how she became this preppy girl "So what's your story?" She looked at me and laughs "Please, you don't even care about me" she frowned and I sigh "I care, if I didn't then why haven't I kicked you out my room? I do have a heart princess" I said and she held her arm "Fine..but we'll talk in my room, because I can't stand the smell of your room, no offense" "None taken princess" we go to her room and it smells like vanilla and blossoms "Nice room, haven't really seen it well" she giggles and goes to her mirror and grabs her brush and brings it with her to the bed and I sit next to her

"Well..start talking" she rolled her eyes "It all started when I was 3, I was a reckless little toddler and always got in trouble" I scuff "Yeah right...that's hard to believe" she glared at me "Whatever I'll just stop talking" "No keep going..I won't interrupt" she raised an eyebrow "Okay..when I was 10 I did something so horrible that my parents sent me to Staint Olga's reform school for troubled princesses, it was horrible, when I came out I was this preppy princess like you called me before" I nervously laugh "Yeah..sorry?" She nodded "So what was so horrible that they sent you away" she untied her braid and smirked "I killed someone" my mouth dropped opened "Are you freaking serious?!" She laughs as she brushes her hair "No..I never killed anyone, I just set fire to my kingdom with my best friend pony head" "You were reckless, so we aren't that different after all?" I said giving her my signature smile"Yeah I guess we are in some way"

I never realize how close our faces were and I backed up "Um..I'm gonna box bye princess" I saw her smile fade "Alright..later Diaz" I chuckled and left and entered my room "Don't fall for her Marco, you like Jackie" I punched my bag and kicked it "I don't like star! Wait a minute I called her by her real name!" I stopped boxing and sat on my bed "Crap" this wasn't part of the I tried clearing my head I heard soft singing..and I open my door and its the princess and she's on her balcony and she has the wind blowing through her hair, she's so peaceful and pretty...whoa chill dude don't even fall for her, you have a chance with Jackie..

A/N I thought I the song could fit I could be wrong 😏 and hope your liking it so far..

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