Chapter 1: New World

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Dinah lifted the chopsticks to her mouth and took a bite from her smoke salmon. It was absolutely delicious. This was her first time visiting Japan. She always meant to come visit the country but rarely ever has the free time to have a personal life since joining the Justice League. In fact the reason that she is in the country at the moment is because she is on official Justice League business.

The past three days she has been trying to find a certain child hero that sprung up in Tokyo recently. First mention of this new underage hero was about three months ago. It was one of several topics that Batman brought up in a meeting. She didn't think it was that big of a deal as long as the kid is helping others, but Batman is the type of person who doesn't trust a single person in the world especially ones that display any sorts of super human powers. If a person in the world shows up with super human powers whether villain, hero, or civilian, Batman will create a massive profile on the person in case that person ever becomes a threat. The Dark Knight doesn't take any chances when it comes to global safety. As much as she hates to admit it, Batman tends to save many lives with his paranoia even those of his fellow heroes. Getting back on track, this new child hero popped up around three months ago during a terrorist bombing. Over fifty lives were saved that day by the child hero who revealed the power to manipulate and control the elements of water and wind. Amateur video of the incident showed a large tidal wave of water appearing out of thin air creating a protective sphere around survivors. This wall of swirling water knocked away falling debris and doused flames in an instant. What was more impressive was when the wall of water exploded outward in a massive tidal wave putting out the majority of the flames followed by strong gusts of wind put out the rest. There was no video footage on the hero, but many survivors caught sight of a child in a black and silver outfit with golden blonde hair. A couple weeks later more sightings of the child hero started to pop up. Soon enough Tokyo had its own hero protecting it.

A small chuckle comes from the gorgeous woman as she recalls some of the ridiculous names that are floating around the internet. Some people have too much free time on their hands. She reaches into her jacket pulling out a photo of the young hero. He looks to be from eleven to fourteen though it is hard to tell with the black face mask covering his face from the nose down. Definitely a blonde and wears a grey vest over a long sleeve black shirt. The image is blurry making any other distinguishing physical characteristics near impossible to make out even with the advanced technology at the fingertips of the League. If she had to harbor a guess she would say that he is between five and five foot five inches at the tallest. Putting the picture away, she finishes her meal and leaves the small restaurant.

The past three days she has been trying to spot any signs of the young hero but was not having any luck. She was sent on this mission by Batman due to her ability to speak Japanese. Plus, she knew on some level he was counting on her physical appearance to be appealing to the child. It was extremely sexist, but if the kid truly is a teenager than chances are like most boys his age he will give her a chance to talk mostly to enjoy her presence. Boys and men of all ages tend to make time to listen to a pretty woman. Unfortunately, there hasn't been much criminal activity and the small crimes that were committed didn't draw out her prey. If she couldn't make contact within the next twenty four hours she was going to head back home. No offense, but she was missing the action of doing real work to help others. She didn't get in the hero business to hunt down children.

Tokyo, 2:00 pm

Naruto sat on the edge of a thirty story building with a steaming bowl of noodles in hand. Ocean blue eyes are staring out over the city drinking in the sights that few ever have the pleasure of enjoying. Being able to use chakra to run up sides of buildings helps to give him such perfect views. Slurping down some more noodles, he thinks on the past few months like usual. To think that a half year ago he was in a completely different dimension and constantly on the run. He never would have had time to enjoy a nice bowl of noodles in the Elemental Nations. When one is a missing ninja, one has to keep on the move or risk being killed or worse, captured.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 15, 2016 ⏰

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