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"i don't even know if he still lives here." i hiss, parking my sleek black car in the large driveway.

we exit the car and i fix my skirt before walking. it's ridden up during the drive.

"oh, i'm sure he still does." clara replies, tailing right behind me.

we walk across the elegant stone steps and reach the giant front door. i look over to clara, practically pleading her because i don't want to do this. she shakes her head, not giving in.

i ring the doorbell and i can hear it sound throughout the entire mansion. soon enough, the door opens and i'm surprised that jack opened it and not his butler. now, i'm taken aback due to the godlike presence in front of me. fuck.

he grimaces and looks between me and clara, "what are you doing here?"

i take a deep breath before speaking. all of a sudden, my hands start to get sweaty and i feel like my voice will be trembling with fear or nervousness.

"i just want to tell you that i hate you." i state, looking at clara and there's a hint of a smile on her face and she's trying to stifle her laugh.

i most likely look and sound unconvincing. jack's eyebrows raise in amusement and he crosses his arms over his chest.

"really?" he asks.

i nod my head, "yes, i hate everything about you. you're cocky-"

i'm not even able to finish my sentence before his hands come up to grab my face and his mouth swoops down to collide with mine. of course, my brain is processing and registering everything that's going on. so i'm standing here like a stone figure.

he pulls away, stepping back and balling his fists. clara stares at both of us wide eyed and jack just pants heavily, looking down at me with lust filled eyes.

"what the fuck was that?" clara is the first to speak up, still going through shock; as am i.

i touch my bottom lip, feeling the short burst of electricity. i just unintentionally cheated on braxton. the man i love and the man that i sworn i would be with for the rest of my life

now, i'm not so sure and all of my plans are going down the drain as i think about how he'll react when i tell him about this encounter. he let the rings and conversations slip by, but he'll definitely not let this kiss.

especially because he was so pissed off at jack the last time i checked.

"is anyone going to talk?" she continues.

i find the braveness to look up at jack and he's already watching me. he blinks, licking his lips, awaiting for me to say something.

"don't tell braxton." i plead, looking at the both of them.

clara's mouth drops open, "you kissed your ex husband and that's the first thing you're worried about?! no emotions or anything?"

"no, there can't be any emotions. a girl flew across the country for him!" i exclaim.

jack steps in, "but you know how i feel about you-"

"shut it, gilinsky." i seethe.

his eyebrows furrow, "no." he emphasizes. "i will not shut up because our conversations always end up in you terminating them. maybe if you pulled your head out of your ass and listened, we could work things out."

"pull my head out of my ass?" i ask, incredulous and bewildered. "you're not one to talk to! you're shallow."

he rolls his eyes, "see, we're never going to work out if you keep calling me names."

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