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POV: Leo Valdez

"Ah, I see you've discovered where we've been hiding your friend."

The voice echoed throughout the room. I stood stock still against the wall, searching with aching eyes in the darkness for the owner of the voice. It sounded neither male nor female, just a strange, scratchy noise like fingernails down a chalkboard. I covered my ears.

"Come now, don't be like that!" It said. I was flung sideways. My face smacked against the stone wall.

"Who are you, chalkboard voice?" I wiped the blood off of my face.

"Someone who's been waiting a long time for this moment."

I flew backwards and slammed into the wall again, this time beside Calypso who was shaking frantically to escape her bonds. She looked at me and a dreadful feeling surged through my body. The voice was frightening.

"We long to speak to a certain man who we would ask to make us an item of which we seek." The voice spoke slow and carefully.

"Yeah, well, I don't know who could do that for you so..." I wiped the blood away again. It wasn't stopping. "What did you do to me!?"

"We need you to pass out. Not for long, I warrant. Just for a few days." It hissed the last sentence.

"No thanks!" I tried to move but my eyes began to roll back into my head. I tripped over my own foot and landed into the dirt.

"Sleeep now, boy. Sleeeeeep." The voice spoke.

And I listened.

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