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Natsu's Pov
This decision I was making was tearing me apart.I only chose to be with Lucy because I didn't think that they'd come after her.I like her,I really do.And because I like her I have to let her go.If I don't this -A person will come after her.I woke up next to Lucy.I haven't let her out of my site since the whole situation.Gray was trying to escape from the chains.Oh did I forgeft to mention we kept Gray hostage?I jumped put of bed and did my morning routine.

I admired Lucy's face as blonde strands fell along her face.She was waking up.Her eyes shot open,squinting a little she jumped up as I kissed her on her forehead.She smiled.

"Morning Nat"She said stretching."Where are you going?"

"Out."I answered"and your coming with me."

Lucy jumped off the bed.She didn't look so happy.????.I gave her a questioned look.

"..."She remained silent.

"Whats wrong?"I pinched her cheeks.

"Are you buying breakfast?"She asked as I smiled

"Of course your fat ass would ask that."I said as she threw a pillow off the bed.

Lucy quickly went in the shower.

"Aah!!!"She screamed as I ran to the bathroom.

"What happened?!"I opened the see shower curtain looking at the spider on the wall.I grabbed Lucy's shoe and killed it.

She slapped me.As I stared at her.

"Why would you kill it with my shoe?!"I looked at her as see she slapped me again."I'm naked you creep!"

"If only I could slap you
..."she put on her towel and pouted."Come on we have to go Luce!"

"I'm coming....at least lemme get dressed!"She yelled running into her room.

30 minutes later
She came out in all leather.I laughed as fell to the ground.I stuck my hand out.She grabbed my hand and we were off.

"Hey uh,Natsu where are we going?"She asked as my smile disappeared.

"We're going to track down 'A'"

"Why are we look in for A..after it tried to kill us?!"She said "oh yeah we know A as Gray"

"We don't know that for sure."I said as she looked at me angrily.

"We know him as a worker.For A!"Those words echoed my ears.

"AND?"I asked angrily."Gray is still our friend,Okay?!"

"I pretty fake one that is..."She murmured

"Shut up!Everyone makes mistakes....he's not perfect!"I yelled.

I didn't want to yell at Lucy but I didn't want to break up with her that would be the hardest thing in my life.I needed her to break up with me.

"I know that....but backstabbing your friends is not,a good one"

"Lucy,no mistake is a good one"

"Incorrect!Some mistakes are good."She said"Like if you dropped your bag and I picked it up....and if it was the way we met"

Lucy had a point.I stayed quiet the whole time until..."Quick question...what did U mean when by you said that they wan ty more than last time?"

"I mean that they want more than last time obviously..."

"What do they want?!AND what did you do last time?!"

"Thats too many questions that your asking"I answered as as he got frustrated.

"Right,and your life is a big secret?!"

"No.Im just saying thats too much info to give.Sorry."

"Ugh.Are we almost there?!"She asked as i smirked.

I took out my gun as we entered an abandoned building.
She looked around nervously as we approached a door that was boarded up with wood.

"Hold my hand."I said as we joined hands.

"Let's go!"She said holding her belt that held her weapons.

I busted down the door as we stood back to back.I held my gun and she held her whip.Ig was dark.Lucy switched the light on.We found a locked desk.I kicked the desk over as the lock broke and the documents spilled out.

"What are these?"asked Lucy as I looked at her with guilt in my eyes.

Lucy stuffed the documents in her bag/satchel whatever it's called.We heard footsteps.

"Let's go!"I grabbed Lucy's hand pulling her as we ran...or I ran either one.

We went down a two way.I looked around."Which one is it,damn.I need to remember"


"LUCY....NO TIME FOR THAT!"I whispered.


"Shh..Lucy someone's here!"

"I don't care!Tell me what's going on!"She yelled

"Lucy there is someone behind us....Shh...and let's go!"

"For the last time I'm not going!"She yelled as someone stepped in the spotlight around us.

This person had a black cape jacket that covered it's whole body.I the person stepped forward as it's heals clicked along the floors.I flinched as the person unmasked themselves as I noticed it was Erza.

"Natsu"She murmured.

"Whats wrong?"Erzas bangs we're now covering parts of her face.

"Take this and run as far as you can."She said handing me a big heavy briefcase.

"Whats going on?"

"454"She murmured again.

"Whats gonna happen?"Lucy asked

"Run and Run far!And stay away from each other!"Jellal appeared next to her covering her mouth as they disappeared.

Sorry I kept you guys waiting... I just a got a phone and I'm hype.So uh I had A LOT to do.

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