Mirai : a will to dream

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Softly, soothingly, as if caressing a crying child, the cold winter air blew my raven locks from their neat place. I hugged myself as I carried myself on the pavement in the midnight of cruel New York. The sully winter air was full of fishy and nauseous scents, or that’s how the smell is usually like in Brooklyn, I bet that’s not the case in the Upper East Side. I passed by the old filthy restaurant and the food smell hit me hard in the stomach. My stomach grumbled in nostalgia, remembering the last time it had a meal and crying for more. More… where could that be fulfilled? I bit my lip hard in anger. I am angry at the universe for making me this poor and always in need. I start to wonder if a day will come when I won’t ever worry about something, or think about the best way to provide my needs for a longer period than an hour.
I wonder if I will be like them.      
I stood on the muddy ground beneath Brooklyn bridge, watching the glamorous upper east side sparkle in golden lights. How could something so painful look that beautiful. I frowned at the weird thought and brushed it away, people like me don’t have the time to be poetic. I pulled my hood on my head and drew my body closer to the walls. Trying to be much invisible as I could, I cowered more into the shadows, pulling my jacket more to cover my body trying as best as I could to hide the obvious parts of my body that makes me a woman.
From far I could see the ragged old grey tent that I call home. Relief and peace washed over me. Finally I can hide from the lurking monsters till morning. I pushed my legs harder against the crunchy stones. Anticipation for the possible warmth that I might feel is motivating my being.
I approached my home but stopped mid-step when I heard voices. Soft whimpers came from my tent, I peered slowly to inspect who is making this sounds but found none other the eternal pain in my ass. The one that makes me hate existing in a cruel way. Martha.
I sighed heavily at the presence of my unwelcomed guest. I took off my old ripped boots and went into my fragile home which barely can contain me. She didn’t stop crying for a moment. She was hugging her knees to her chest, her long blond hair was covering her from head to toe. As she rocked back and forth humming soft words only coherent for her ears.
“What happened again?” I asked 
She sniffed and whipped her nose in her sleeve, disgusted by the gesture I looked away from her tear tainted face and her ugly runny nose. I wish I could offer her a tissue yet again that’s a luxury we can’t afford.
“Watson bailed on me… he … he took the money I saved and….” As if remembering was so painful she resumed her crying this time in full mode
“What’s new? He always do that and when he run out of cash he comes and tell you the usual sob story and you forgive him. You should get used to it by now.” I said flatly
“But Mirai, this time really I can’t get anymore cash.” She sobbed again
“That’s your problem not mine. You never learn the lesson”
“We have to find him and get the money back.” She cried  in despair
“As I said not my problem. We live in the underworld Martha, you should know that better than me. Yet no matter how much I warn you, you simply do the exact opposite. Hence this is your responsibility, your money, your life and it doesn’t have anything to o with me” I pulled the curtain in the entrance of my tent as if to tell her take a hint and leave.
“How do you do this? How can you survive alone like this?” she narrowed her eyes at me
Alarm washed over my body and my heart beat was loud enough to echo in my ear drums. Fear was something I was familiar with, in fact it was a dear companion but there is a certain kind of fear that gets me over the edge. Fear of being known.
Unconsciously my eyes swept to where my pillow lies, her eyes raced in a millisecond to where I was looking. She threw her body to where my pillow and she threaded into shreds. Impulsively, I kicked her in the stomach as hard as my frail legs allowed me. She coughed a bit and turned to me her eyes blinded by terrifying emotions. I felt bile rose from the pit of my stomach. She pulled a Swiss knife from her pocket and jumped on me with all her weight. She pinned me to the ground, sticking the knife near my throat. She smiled wickedly at me and I knew it. This was the end, all my life flashed in front of eyes. But part of me was really relieved that the end is near.
“Watson!” she called her ex-boyfriend soon to be again, or maybe that was just a lie.
“That’s my girl” he kissed the top of her head and I squirmed a bit underneath Martha but Watson was indeed a strong man he kicked me in the ribs so hard that I couldn’t breathe.
“Okay sweetheart, where do you hide your piggy bank” he smiled at me as if I was a wounded animal
“Under the shredded pillow babe” chripped Martha happily
Watson fell on his knees, clawing the ground as if he found the key to salvation. Not so long, he found my old wooden box. He opened it and laughed hysterically. I saw the old silver necklace that once belonged to my mother, it had a locket with her picture on it. This is was the only thing that reminded me of my late mother. Tears grazed my eyes but unwilling to cry I bit my lip. Then he found the roll of cash I was saving to leave Manhattan.
“This locket is worth a lot. Finally we had what we deserve” he laughed again
Watson stood up dusting his pants. He then with his devious eyes looked at me. His eyes scanned my body with lustful looks. Fear gripped my heart with an iron fist. No. please no. I chanted in my head, wishing that time the lord in heavens will hear my prayers. He licked his lips and I cowered into the grounds more.
“What about a deal? Be my slut and maybe I could spare the necklace I know it is dear to you” he cooed
I gathered all the courage in my body and spit it out in his face. Can’t find a better answer.
“You Whore!” he shouted
“Are you fucking real?!” screamed Martha at him
“Shut up Martha” he growled at her
Martha lunched at him with the knife gleaming in her hand. I took that as chance to escape this. I snatched the necklace that fell from the quarreling couple. I looked back to see Martha crazily driving the knife through Watson’s stomach. Horrified I ran for my life.
Walking on Brooklyn Bridge barefoot, sticks and stones are poking in my feet. I hate this life. I fell on my knees and elbows and crying my heart out. I sobbed till my lungs burned, and my breath came out raspy and ragged. Wind blew harder, My body shivered from both the cold and the despair filling my heart. I was clutching the necklace to my heart.
I am sorry mom. I tried to survive I swear but I can’t do it anymore. I have lived all that time hoping to see what you told me with my eyes but life isn’t fair to me anymore. I can’t make sense of who I am anymore. I have come undone, this is the finish line. I breathed in the cold air and calmed myself. I looked at the November sky and smiled sadly. I hope I end up in the same place as you mom. I climbed up the fence of the bridge and stood on the green metal bar. Nothing stands now in my way, only the river and I. Wind was blowing in my back as if encouraging me to do it. I closed my eyes to enjoy the last few breathe left to me. I am ready.
I opened my eyes and let my body sway forth but strong arms pulled me back. Soft fabric and heavenly scent engulfed me. The warmth the seeped into my frozen bones was heavenly. For a second I thought I died or something but the loud shouts in the far distant told me otherwise. But for now I shall enjoy this.
A cloud. A soft, feather like cloud was around me everywhere. Or that’s what I thought but when I opened my eyes it turned out to be a very large heavenly bed. I looked down I found myself dressed in a silky navy blue gown. My hair was combed neatly into a braid. There was a nice smell coming from somewhere. Something I could never name because I never knew it. I sniffed my arm, that’s where the scent was coming from. I tried to move but pain shot through me, it was coming from my ribs and my feet. I looked through the gown to find bandages wrapped around my ribcage, I pulled the satin duvet away and my feet too were wrapped in bandages. I looked around; I was in some room with poor lights. I threw my feet over and tried to get up but suddenly light was lit up and the whole room appeared in front of my eyes. I looked over my shoulder to find a man standing there.
Familiarity was the first thing that struck me. He had the kind of face that stopped you in your tracks, his skin was pale and that made his dark eyes stand out more they were deep and catastrophic. His nose was sharp and refined, leading to beautiful rosy lips, he had a light stubble indicated stress and tight schedules, so did the faint dark circles underneath his eyes. His rich chocolate hair that had tousled griminess which promised finesse. He had strong arched brows and eyelashes so thick, it could be illegal. He had distinct cheekbones and an angular jaw made him look devilishly handsome. I was mesmerized by him. He reeked grace, power and his eyes were so expressive I could get lost in them with no complaints.
Then I remembered what happened before I lost my consciousness. Martha and Watson, Watson dying in my tent, my suicide attempt. I took few steps back and scanned the room to the fastest escape route. I was so afraid that my knees were shaking. Who undressed me? Is he a rapist? What to do? Adrenaline shot through my body. My brain was scheming all the possibilities. I jumped on the bed heading straight to the door. But a large figure stood between me and the door, his height made him look like a skyscraper compared to me. Baba bear and I was baby bear, everything looked incredibly big compared to what I am used to. I cowered from him but my aching feet protested against the move. I tripped and fell on my ribs, I cried out in pain.
“What are you doing? Please stay still” he said softly, his voice was velvety and smooth, it can easily lulls me to sleep. I want to fall sleep hearing that voice every night for the rest of my life.
“Please don’t hurt me” I rasped in fear
“No no, please don’t be afraid, I have no mean intentions” he said in the same softness
He approached me but I couldn’t help it. I cowered in fear again, hugging my body to protect it from any upcoming attack. He approached again, his eyes were edged with sorrow , he scooped me in his arms and stood up gracefully. As if there was a force of habit, I leaned into his chest. He laid me smoothly into the bed again and covered me with the smooth duvet. I kept my eyes trained on him. He picked the phone ordering room service. We are in a hotel indeed, the fancy room made it like a palace or something. He took off his jacket and necktie and sat on the edge of my bed. I looked at him warily.
“Please don’t look at me like that, I swear I am not going to hurt you” he held my small hand in his large ones. My hands looked clean and neat like I just finished a pedicure session.
“Who are you? What am I doing here? And more importantly, who undressed me?” I glared at him
He smiled weakly and traced my hand with his thump pad. Tingles were numbing my hand beautifully. Another gesture that makes me feel safe.
“I am Tyler Atticus, perhaps you know me?” he looked at me with a spark of hope swirling in his dark pools of eyes
“Never hear about you” I shook my head,  the spark instantly died but the smile never left his face
“That can be dealt with, as for what you are doing here well I saved you from doing a stupid crime and the maids took care of you, I swear I didn’t see anything.” he said humorous
“I am Mirai” I tucked a stray lock behind my ear 
“Beautiful name for a beautiful girl. I believe it means the will to dream” he said
“Yes, how do you know? Most people just make fun of it” I rambled
“I like to know the significance for everything. Nothing happens without a kind of reason or motive” he said
“That’s a comfortable theory for people like you” I said harshly
“Easy there tiger, but let me simply prove it to you. If you didn’t try to act stupidly tonight, I would not be blessed with finally finding you” he said blissfully
I was taken back with his words. Before I could question him, the room service arrived with food and refreshment and honestly as soon as the chicken soup smell invaded the room my stomach rumbled as a cry in joy, I forgot any questions I had in mind. I licked my lips, imaging the taste of the soup on my taste buds. As soon as the waiter left the room, I dug in. I didn’t eat something so tasteful , so blissful and so exquisite in years. I sighed in contentment when I finished and rested my head on the soft pillow. Tyler was talking on the phone in the terrace. I took the chance to check out the room. It was lit in warm lights, making it look more intimate, the ceiling was painted in Greece painting with nude people pilled on each other. I frowned at the disturbing sight, who in hell’s name could sleep with things like that hanging over there head. My eyes slipped to the chandelier that had pearls and crystals. The walls were craved and had Victorian like frames. It was certainly a piece of Greece.
“Max I don’t have time for this, If I can I will drop for few minutes” he said before putting the phone back in his pocket
“Thank you for your hospitality, I should really get going.” I said
“Where are you going? Do you have a home to return to?” he asked solemnly
“I survived for so long, I think I can manage for little more” I said
“Well I saw how you “Manage”, and I am not impressed at all” he said, his voice had a tone of scolding
“Then what you suggest?” I raised an eyebrow at him
“Party” he said
“Excuse me?” I frowned
“I had my people to prepare you an outfit and a makeup artist is waiting for you in the ad joint room, I know you are still in pain but bear with me” he smiled showing a straight line of perfect pearl white teeth.
My heart pounded in my chest, something swelled in my heart. But his smile was contagious, but then I remembered who I am and who he is. We belong to different places in this universe. He is on the moon and I am from the underworld. Such combination only belongs in fairy tales. Wake up Mirai, don’t get your heart in the clouds. He probably only saw something interesting in you and will toss you back to the streets.
“I am sorry but I have to leave. Thank you for everything and I promise one day I will repay you” I said as I left the warm bed
“I would like to have my clothes back”
“I burned them, they were too filthy to be cleaned, I bought you new clothes” he said quietly
“What?! How could you do that?! They belonged to me, who gave you the right to do so with my stuff” I snapped at him
“Mirai, please be rational, I am offering my help here. I want to help you get on your feet again.” He closed the gap between us
“At what cost Sir, you want me as your whore?” I shouted
“What?! What did I do to imply that?” He leeched out in anger, his face looked sinister
“I can’t think of anything I could give it to you in exchange of your help. Why would you help a stranger like me?” I glared at him
“Can’t you accept a good deed?” he snapped
“Not from people I can’t trust” I replied
“You never change” he whispered, ruffling his hair
“Excuse me?” I inquired
“What about this, can you act as my girlfriend for one night?” he asked
“Are you kidding me? You left all the models and hot chicks in your high society and chose a homeless girl who was on the verge of suicide few minutes ago to be your girlfriend?” I asked confused
“Yeah, then let’s get started” he pushed me to the other room
“I don’t remember agreeing to anything” I shouted over my shoulder
I looked in front of me to find an army of people lining up in the room with weird tools and a line of racquets full of different dresses and a whole wardrobe of shoes. I was speechless, I never saw that much of clothes in one room before.
Tyler Atticus.

I closed the door behind Mirai and turned to get myself dressed in something proper for the party. I pulled out a crisp three pieces black tux and a matching dress shoes. I was humming unknown tune as I got dressed. I heard Mirai fighting with someone on the other side. I chuckled at her usual behavior. Even after all these years she didn’t change much. Except that she forgot all about me and her true identity. I poured myself a glass of brandy and sat in the far corner waiting for my princess to rise to her usual self. The self that I have always knew, the self that I fell in love with few years ago before I lost her. I am lucky that I decided to cross that bridge or I would have lost her forever without knowing, and kept on living with the hope that she might return to us.
I started with my second glass when someone stumbled into the room. I caught her fast enough before she kisses the floor and heaven forbid I felt helpless and speechless. The girl in my arm was a piece of art. She wore a crimson satin dress dipped to her lower back revealing so much of her creamy lush skin. The dress hugged her curves perfectly well, she was wearing black heels making her barely reach my shoulders. Her hair was styled to the side and her makeup refined her already ravish beauty, her blue eyes shone brightly.  
I couldn’t help it my arms reached around her waist and pulled her to my chest. I never thought I would ever have her in my arms again. I was feeling mixed feelings but relief and happiness dominated. No… that’s not really it my love for her broke to the surface. My love is home.
“Welcome back Love” I whispered
“What?” She pulled out
The door was violently opened and Max was standing in the doorway. His eyes lingered on Mirai for a moment. His eyes winded in disbelief and I could see the swell of tears brimming his eyes. He approached her in slow steps, taking in her presence.
“You found her, you found my sister” chocked out Max
“Sister? I am sorry sir but I am afraid you have the wrong person” Mirai hide behind me
“Hell no, wrong person my ass, you think I wouldn’t know you Mirai.” Max ragged
“Relax buddy, it seems she doesn’t remember any of us” I held him away from her
“I am calling Mom, she have to come here.” Said Max pulling out his phone.
Mirai was staring at him with a cold inexplicable façade. I saw her clutching the silver necklace with a picture of a woman in her hand. If I recall correctly that was the maid who kidnapped Mirai few years ago. And so it seems that Mirai lost all her memories and doesn’t know any of us. But All I care about now, that she is here.

~~~~~\The End /~~~~~~

Hope you like my writing . Please leave me some feedback 😄 and I will answer you right away

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17, 2016 ⏰

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