Well I'm drawing sharktooth aka hollyfire's older sister and hollyfire for this letter I'm writing for my sister for something in church (idk what I'm just doing it because my mom offered me hot Cheetos like that time I was offered $20 for going to the mall, i will do anything anyone wants if there is a good price to it) Getting off topics anyways im drawing sharktooth and hollyfire because thy are sisters and my sister is my sister ( obviously)
Anywho time to go back to drawing
Oh and also did I mention this drawing is for the sister who supports my drawings unlike my other sister ( I have to do one for here too 😞 I'm not going to put a drawing in that letter Mahahhahahshhahhahahhaha jk my mom will get mad.
Anywho bye
This chapter had no meaning it should have been in the random book

Art Book
RandomThe Drawings of Adolf Kitler. And can I has Poland? Art trades: open Requests: open ( PM me)