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There are countless ways to spend Valentine's day and mine was not what one would dub romantic. I was currently sprawled across my bed by myself, covered in a warm blanket in my pyjamas with a box of Oreos lying right beside me: my one and only companion. 

That was not my proudest moment.

But I didn't feel like doing anything and there was no one to hang out with. My friends were busy. Bailey was out spending the evening with her girlfriend, Reece was doing who-knows-what, Cameron was catching up with his litter sister Avery, and Charlie... well I guess Charlie is technically an acquaintance because I have technically only met him once. The real Charlie was safe now with Reece's and my fathers' laboratory. Our fathers were working around the clock to provide Charlie with all the help and support he needs. In the meantime, our high school was informed that Charlie Morgan would be returning back to England to finish his studies; a temporary alibi while Charlie recuperates. 

I sighed, coming to terms with my loneliness as I took a bite out of another Oreo. 

Then the doorbell rang, causing me to sit up abruptly. I sat still, wondering if maybe I was just hallucinating the sound. But the doorbell rang again. 

I jumped off the bed and ran for the door, slamming into it because I couldn't stop my momentum. My body bounced off the door and crashed down to the rug in my family's entrance foyer. 

The individual on the other side of the door started laughing. "You alright over there?" I could recognize that voice anywhere: Reece. 

At the mere sound of his voice, my face flushed. I ignored the numbing pain in my face and butt, the two areas that absorbed the majority of the impact of the wipeout and stood up. With some mild reservation, I opened the door. 

What stood before me almost made me fall back onto the rug again. Reece was as breathtaking as ever. His hair was styled voluminous, defying gravity and succeeding beautifully. He wore a designer green vest over a simple light blue dress shirt with a white collar and a polka dotted bow tie. To complete the look, he wore burgundy dress pants and brown leather shoes. He hands were behind his back as Reece grinned at me, displaying his marvellous straight smile.  

I was speechless and confused as to why my best friend was here. I wanted to speak but my mind was struggling to find words. It was as if I suddenly forgot how to speak English. Reece raised a perfectly arched eyebrow as he patiently waited for me to welcome him inside. After what felt like an excruciating eternity, I found my voice. "What's with all the colour?" I asked, ruining the moment. 

If it were possible, I would have loved to be buried under my blanket and Oreas, far away from my embarrassment.

I expected Reece to tease me but instead, my dashing childhood friend blushed, making my heart flutter at the sight. What's happening?

"Funny you ask," Reece began nervously. I couldn't believe it. Was Reece nervous? Since when? He's always been outgoing while I was typically the shy one. "I came here to ask you... man, this is a lot harder to say out loud," Reece muttered the last part to himself. He shook his head before looking back at me but this time with determination consuming his eyes. "Please go on a date with me." 

I gaped at Reece, processing reality. This is what I've always wanted and now that it has, I'm in a state of disbelief. Maybe I'm dreaming? 

"And?" Reece asked, eyes wide with fear of rejection. 

All I could do was nod my head. 

That seemed to vaporize any nervousness that Reece might have had. He grinned mischievously and handed me a bouquet of red roses that he was holding behind him. "Great, now let's pick out your outfit." He didn't let me protest. The next second, Reece grabs my hand and leads me to my room. He picks up the Oreo box and eats the remainder while examining the contents of my closet. 

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