Hey Zoe. So if you're not already go follow BabiMon5ter, she has a book of Doctor who memes, a doctor who/Harry potter fic and a good girl/bad boy story. Anyway, now that that's out of the way I need to get to the bottom of why I did this. Most of you don't know my sister and if you do, are you a friend or stalking? But she is obsessed with doctor who and that's cool. She can be quirky at times, but other than that she's fine. Most people don't know this but she's an alien from gallafrey that came here in a TARDIS. She seems pretty cool and fun and chill with everything but once you get to know her, you see the inside, which is just as beautiful. She's the most kind person, but if you break her heart, she will break your face and maybe I will as well. We may seem nice and sweet, but we will punch you in the throat if you mess with us. So take fair warning m'kay? Thanks boo!