Admin Form (Closed)

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•Age (if you would like to, not required)

• Small paragraph of writing stile. (5- and up sentences. Write in a Warrior Cat Perspective)

• Which Admin would you like to be? (Look at bottom of page to see admin spots)

• How patient are you? (Important to know actually 😂 you may have to wait for others to finish their turn for a chapter)

• Experience in writing.

• Experience in creating names for Warrior Cats.

• Experience in cover making, drawing etc such as that.

• Personality you/friends would describe yourself/you as.

• do you actually read and know about the series? (Sorry, this is required 😅)

• And of course, why you would like to be an admin.

Admin Spots

1. Head (@RaceToFindMe )

2. Second to command (@nevermind_then )

3. Book Cover creator/ Profile creator -camp and territory creator (Open)

4. Cat creator -names, appearances, and personalities for different cats of the clans other than the main 5 (Open)

5. Third to command -you go over chapters after they are published and look for possible mistakes in their grammar with Second and Head (even though that may not seem fun). You are in charge if @Nevermind_then or @RaceToFindMe are not on. You also make sure all of the characters line up with their personalities, and what is happening and thier chapters goes with the plot line with @RaceToFindMe and @Nevermind_then. (Open)

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