Chapter 1

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Blaine didn't know what he did to deserve this. Well.... in actuality he did, but he didn't think it was a real reason to be there. Before Blaine had been sent to Dalton Reform Academy he had been a nice guy. He had just gotten his first boyfriend and his life was finally a little happy, but that had all come crashing down.

Kurt was nervous. He didn't want to be at Dalton Reform Academy, but volunteer work would look good on his NYADA application. Kurt looked nervously at the building as he pulled his car to a stop.

"It's now or never" he sighed and pushed open the door.

As Kurt was walking down the hall he realized that he had no idea where he was going. The receptionist hadn't been the most helpful person, and Kurt hadn't thought to ask for a map. He sighed and turned back the way he came when he heard someone behind him whistle. Surprised and slightly offended Kurt whirled around. Standing about ten feet away from him was a boy in black leather jacket. Kurt looked at his hazel eyes, and had to try to remember how to breathe.

"Hey there, sweet thing.", he drawled looking Kurt over. Kurt blushed.

"Hi.", he said. The boy smirked. "Bit tongue tied are we? Cause I can change the reason it's tied.", he winked at Kurt. Kurt blushed again.

"No thank-you.", he said, "Can you tell me where the library is?"

"Sure. I can.", said the boy, "Will I however is a different question entirely."

Kurt rolled his eyes. He was annoyed now. "OK, wise guy. Will you tell me where the library is."

The boy smiled triumphantly. "Only if you give me your number." Kurt rolled his eyes, he didn't have time for this. "Do you have a pen?", he asked the boy tiredly. Said boy brought a pen out of his pocket. "Hand.", Kurt demanded. He wrote his number down. Once he handed the pen back the boy walked past Kurt. He turned, and called back to Kurt, "The library's the first door on the right, beautiful.", He winked and turned back around. Kurt could feel his cheeks burning again as he walked down the hallway. The rest of Kurt's day was uneventful. He helped a few students with there work, and restocked some shelves. When he stopped back at the office at the end of the day he was told that he would be chaperoning the prom on Friday.

"Great....", thought Kurt sarcastically.

On Friday Kurt arrived at the dance right on time. As he was walking toward the front doors he heard a slightly familiar voice behind him say; "Hey, beautiful." Kurt turned around and there stood the boy from the other day. Only today he looked ten times better in a tux, hair slightly gelled, and his amber eyes sparkling. "So why are you here?'", he asked Kurt.

"I'm chaperoning.", Kurt said with a shrug, and turned, continuing towards the door

"You never told me your name.", the boy said falling in step next to him.

"You never told me yours.", Kurt replied.

"I'm Blaine.", the boy...Blaine said.

"Kurt.", Kurt said simply.

Later on during the dance Kurt was walking towards the bathroom. He heard footsteps behind him. He turned, fully expecting to see Blaine. Instead a huge boy stood there. A sneer on his face, and an angry, disgusted look in his eye. Kurt had ran into the boy his second day at Dalton. He was called Karofsky. He had been bullying Kurt for the two days that Kurt had been volunteering at Dalton. And Kurt was fed up.

"So fairy.", Karofsky spat, "You thought you'd come and destroy or school dance too."

Kurt glowered at Karofsky, "What is your problem?!"

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