50 Foxer QnA

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Hey guys! We finally got 50 foxers! Special thanks to jebal_onegai for being lucky number 50!! Now for your questions.
AnimeGirlcx asks: How did you discover wattpad?
About a year ago, my school had a writing club. Unfortunately, we didn't get enough members to continue, but the first few weeks, one of the former eighth graders showed his wattpad to us, I was so determined to be a great writer like him. His works were amazing! His username is shilampa
AnimeGirlcx asks: When did you begin drawing?
It was the minute I learned to hold a pencil, I drew almost everything, mostly out of my imagination cuz I hated drawing real life, real life is boring. I believe I could draw before I could write. Not draw like now of course, but I did draw figures and shapes much better than any other 3 year old would.
Yet again, AnimeGirlcx asks: Apple?
Apple Apple Apple... (tell me if you get redference)
ToxicWolfie183 asks: Pancakes or waffles?
As I always say, waffles are just pancakes with abs, so wafflez...
CaptainEyebrows asks: If you were stranded on a deserted island, what would you name it?
First, why would I name it? Second, I dunno, mount boredom?
RedArcheress asks: If you could bring 3 things to the island, what would they be?
Oh, oh, oh, I know! My tablet for drawing, music, and games, my dagger(yes I have one), and a blanket cuz my blankets are very warm and fluffy.

Alrighty everybody... This has been 50 foxers QnA, let's keep working for 100! I know we can get there. Keep working hard in y'all lives. And ill keep updating as much as possible. Thank y'all so much, love ya! ;)

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