A palace of love

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I guess I'm at my palace. "Halt! Who goes there?" "Princess Ruby Lovelace. That's who." "Oh your highness. Please come in." Finally! I'm at my palace again! I guess the ride home is exhausting. I started going back to bed. It's dark out anyway. Time to sleep in a good rest.

Meanwhile back at the grand palace~
"Where is she?" "I don't know. I just went in her room and all of her stuff is gone!" What? Where could Ruby had gone off to? I wish I told her the reason why I wanted to go back to visit my parents. Looks like it's to late for that. No! I must go find her! "Guys! We must find Ruby!" "Yeah! But where should we start?" "All of the places she love to go to!" "Good idea!" "Come on! Let's go!" Oh. I hope we find you Ruby.

Your pov
Gah! I can't sleep. So much for a good rest. Well looks like it's midnight. I should go back to sleep.

"Stop it!" I was running. Yes, I was running. Why? Well Jacob is the reason why. "Ruby get back here!" "No you already hurt me!" "Look I'm sorry." I didn't respond I just left.

End of dream~
What was that? It felt real. Well let's hope it's not real. Well let's find out what today's breakfast is. "My young duchess. Today's breakfast is bacon pancakes." "Thank you Jasmin." "Your welcome princess." Well today might not be so bad.

Time skip~
Meow. Oh that's my purple cat Aphmau. Meow. Moo. Mr.Moo Moo my pet cow. Now I know you may be wondering why do I have these pets? Well they were a gift from all around the world. My pet fox is Jax. Well I guess I should take a walk.

Meanwhile at Jacob and the rest~
"Where is she?" "I don't know." "She should be here! This is her favorite shop!" "I don't know. To the food court!" "Yeah!" Well where is she? Why I isn't she here? Did she really left us? But where did she gone to?

Your pov
Well that was a lovely walk. This is the palace of love.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 18, 2016 ⏰

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