go out with theo

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P.o.v scott
Please dont tell him scott do you know what he do because i do. Lilly he needs to know you're his little sister and he doent what you to get hurt. Fine i stop. Thank god i say in my head she has been going on about that for half an hour just because she dosent want derek to know. Who is he and why doesn't lilly want him to know.

P.o.v lilly
Scott drops me at home and goes to talk to derek wnen derek fines out i have a crush that crush will be dead in one second. But no scott just doesn't listen instead he goes he your brother he needs to know. I sit down to do my homework while i was doing it i got a text from someone i didnt know it said "hey beautiful its theo". I blushed he called me beautiful i cant believe he called me beautiful. Hi theo whats up. I sent it i couldnt let him know i liked him because we just meet today. " do you want to hang out with me tonight". Yeah sure where do you want me to meet you. "At the school". Ok i be there soon. I got dress ( outfit at the top) and said im going out for a little bit derek. Be back before 11 ok. Yeah yeah i know.

P.o.v theo
I cant believe she said yes to going out with me tonight. Well i did say hang out its just that i cant stop think of her. I dont know why put her voice and everything is just not leaving my brian. I saw  car pull up and lilly come out of it looking even more sexy then i could imagine. Hey lilly whats up. "Nothing much so what are we doing tonight". Well i was think we could go to the movies then go to dinner.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13, 2016 ⏰

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