Part 1 Chapter 1 So this is how it feels

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What up my sweets treats

This is my sisters story not mine
All credit goes to her :)

This is also the first story I've written on this account.
Sooooo enjoy ~[*^*]~

Micah xx

Chapter 1 - so this is how it feels

My fingertips tingle. Where am I? I felt for my limbs, good they're all still there. Something tickles the side of my face. I pry my heavy eyelids open and find myself looking up at a picturesque sky, the sun casting colours of pink and orange over me. I'm surrounded by sun-scorched grass, swaying in the late afternoon breeze. It feels calm and peaceful. Too peaceful.
My heart starts hammering in my chest for no particular reason. I sit up, searching, and my eyes land on the cause of my unease. Approximately 250 meters away from me is a raging wall of fire, racing towards me. Bile leaps up my throat an I am on my feet, racing in the opposite direction. My legs feel detached, yet whole. I'm aware of every nerve in my body, my legs are running instinctively, faster than I knew they could, I glance to the side, and see that the fire had reached there too. It 's surrounding me, enclosing me, reading to consume me. I might of had a few minutes head start, but that was close to gone now. The smoke had already caught up with me, invading my lungs. This was no ordinary fire.

I stumble, quickly regaining my feet. If been running flat out for what feels like nearly half and hour, the fire licking my ankles. I was fighting fatigue, the monster trying to pull me under. I had no doubt that without adrenaline pushing me forward, if be gone by now. I finally break free of the smoke that's hazing my sight and see a solid concrete building around 150 meters away, there's a window too, a narrow slit in the building. With renewed strength I push forward, breaking free of the strong hold of the fire, hoping to reach the building before the fire reaches me. I focus in my legs, right, left, right, left. I've blanked my mind, trying to keep my thoughts away from the raw skin on my back, shoulders and heels, skin that no longer looks like mine. I finally reach the concrete building, relief rushing through my body. Until, to my utter horror, I realise  that the window is at least 2 meters above my head. I run my hand along the smooth wall, hoping to gain friction. Nothing. I sprint, circling the building. No other entrance. Finally I sit down, exhausted. The fires are extremely close now, clouding my vision and choking me. Even if I had the energy to run, there's no where for me to go. The fire would just pick up, fuelled by the dry grass and I'd die anyway. Sitting here the fire already burning my eyes, the hopelessness of my situation hits me. I'm going to die here. Maybe I'd cry, but with all the heat I can't summon any tears. Maybe I'd scream but my throat's to dry. So instead I just sit there, watching my inevitable death come to consume me.

One minute I'm sitting on the hard ground, choking, with fire licking my heels. And the next I'm engulfed in flames. I scream, desperately, begging, anyone. I beg myself to blackout. Please, just blackout. No such luck. I should have run. I should have run. I should have run. This us what it feels like to burn to death. I flayed desperately. And finally I blackout.

Next chapter coming soon
It will be called.....
'The "HERO"'

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