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[] so the main character here is You and I.M. yeah. Sort of like I.MxReader lol.


Have you felt something strange upon seeing someone? The feeling of being suffocate in a narrow space but you like it? This may be weird but whenever i see her, i feel enlighten. Her black silky long hair bouncing as she walks. Her smile that everyone falls in to. Her big round eyes that shines more than the sun. Her rosy cheeks that i really wanted to touch.Everything about her is fine with me. Every move she does looks like an art of dance. Everything she says sounds like a perfect harmony.

She's perfect in every aspects that she does. Maybe i dont fit with her. She never noticed me. She never dared to look at me.


Almost jumping on my seat, i stood up, gaining laugh from my classmates.

"What are you doing? Is there something good on the window?!"

"Mianhae Ms. Yoon." I mumbled as my teacher, Ms. Bora Yoon scolded me for 'nth time. It's her nature to shout at me every morning. What can i do? She's boring. Math is not my thing. I dont know how to place myself in her class. And besides, i get to see YN every morning running around the school's oval. Wait. She's not around today. Is she sick? Maybe something came up. Okay Changkyun stop exaggerating. Its not a big deal.

The bell rang which made everyone in the class went wild. Yes! I'm safe today. No special assignment from Ms.Yoon. She was about to talk to me but i didn't insist to look at her and rushed out the classroom instead.

I dont really understand why some of the teachers tend to make their students do something they didn't want to. Tsk Changkyun stop being a nerd. Because you are not.

I haven't seen YN since yesterday which worries me. I know she doesn't know me. And she's older than me. We're completely opposite. She's well-disciplined and i'm immature. She is an athlete and i'm not.She's not a popular type of girl but there's something about her that i really like. I can't explain what it is. I had some background research about this weird feeling that i have. Most of the results were love or obsession. I dont believe in love. But i'm not obsessed with her.  I really dont know. Maybe i am really in to her.

I spotted her friends at the cafeteria. Smiling minimally, i sat three tables away from theirs. Yet she's not there. Maybe she's went to the washroom. You think i'm stalking her, don't you? Well, i have this kind of habit where in i strive hard for something i really like. I'm not stalking her. It's just that i unintendedly spot her. And it became my routine.

This day is very boring. She's not here. Though i know where she lives, i dont want to visit her. I respect her privacy. Okay you got me there. Maybe you're wondering where i got her address. Her place is just few blocks away from mine. We wait at the same bus station everyday. We walk in the same street every morning. But still, she never noticed. I dont know what's amazing on her phone. She's always focused on it. She's occassionally smiling while browsing on her phone. And there i was, watching her being silly.

"Yo Kyun." A familiar voice broke my daydream moment.

"What do you want jooheon?" I answered while eating my food.

"Let's audition at starship together." Jooheon said excitedly.

"Aish. How many times do i have to tell you that i'm not interested?"

"Just give it a try man." He insisted.



"NO! Stop bugging me." I stood from my seat, leaving my food there with him. Why he kept on insisting that stuff. I dont want to be an idol. Aren't he tired of asking me?


"Changkyun! Two sets of ice americano here!" Kihyun shouts from a far. I rushed to the counter and gave the tray to Kihyun. Yes you guess it right. I am a part time barista at the coffee shop near our school. Since my mom is not always giving me money because i'm her 'least favorite son', i have to find a way to feed myself. And this is what i've found.

"Changkyun please help me here!"

I went out the kitchen to help kihyun in entertaining customers. Tsk. The manager thinks we're robots. Like duh! Why aren't he hiring another sets of waiters to help us manage the cafe? Does he think we can do all the work at once?


What is she doing here?

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