I Am From

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I am from reading,

from pages and words,

the swoops and curves of ink,

sending me into another world.

I am from music,

from words and sounds,

where a single note can make

a shiver go up your spine,

or a tear trickle down your cheek.

I am from friends,

the ones who boosted me up,

and the ones who shoved me down,

both making me stronger.

I am from my pet,

a ferocious tiger

disguised as a simple housecat,

with fur softer than silk,

and a black hound

as sweet as sugar,

with eyes made of pumpkins

I am from warm summer nights,

watching the sun sink underneath an orange and pink sky,

listening the sounds of chirping crickets,

and buzzing cicadas,

as the aroma of tangy barbeque

floats lazily through the air.

I am from learning,

whether it’s about myself,

the world I live in,

or the people that surround me

every day.

I am from my memories,

 and they are from me.

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