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Zay POV:

I lay on the hospital bed, it's 8:30pm, 3 hours after I was examined, 5 hours after I saw Riley, today has been one of the worst days in my entire existence, all I can do is cry

I pick up my phone to text Maya, then, I just place it back, she didn't even see how I was doing, I'll let her text me when she finds some way to apologize, I just can't bel-

"Hi Zay" a voice says, it's Riley!

"What are you doing here?!?!" I say

"The nurse said I could stretch my legs, so I asked for your room to say hi!" She smiles

"Oh, well that's cool" I say

"So you got examined today?"

"How did you know?"

"Auggie told me" she says

"Well yeah, I did,"

"How did you do?"

"Its hard to explain"

"Well, you could just talk and I'll listen! I'm really good at it!" She says with that adorable grin

"Sure, okay Riley" I say, she walks over to me and I scoot over, letting her sit beside me on the bed, on our backs looking at the ugly plain ceiling

"So what did the doctor say about your leg?" She asks

"He said that..."

Maya POV:

"I didn't go to his examination!" I say angrily

"You forgot it??" Smackle says on the other line of the phone

"I don't know if I can handle him not being able to walk ever again! Plus Lucas gets on my nerves a lot at times!"

"So you didn't go to your boyfriends almost most important day in his life?!?!?!" She fusses

"He's not my boyfriend!" I say

"Then what is he Maya?!" I bite my lip, "You know what, if you're so worried then how about you call him! The least he deserves is you apologizing for being a total jerk!" She hangs up! The nerve of that girl, I dial his number

It buzzes, he answers

"Hey," I say

"What's up Maya?"

"Nothing just chilling, you?"

"Nothing, just talking to Riley, you know? Someone who ACTUALLY cared to check on me even though she doesn't even REMEMBER me!" He fusses

"I'm sorry!" I say

"If you were really sorry you wouldn't have called at 9:03pm!" He says "Where were you when I needed you?!?"


"Honestly save it, if you actually cared to know, you would know I am NEVER...GONNA..." He starts crying,

"It's okay....it's okay!" A voice says

"Who's that?!" I ask short tempered

"It's Riley, but we aren't talking to you anymore, you might as well find new people to torment!" He says "It was the day I was going to know if I would ever walk again, and you weren't there, no, I'm not going to ever again! And you weren't here to be with me Maya, sometimes I wonder if you only went out with me because you got rejected by Josh and Lucas. Somtimes I even wonder if you even care!!"

"I do care..." I cry

"No, there is a different between care and pity" and he hangs up

Your Happiness 3: Final struggleHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin