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**Ally's POV**

I threw my diary on my way somewhere. 'Cause it was all written about me and him. Happy Endings of every day.

The worst part of my relation with Shane was .. I lost myself. I thought him to be my boy. The one I cared the most, after my parents, but that bastard cheated me. He left me in pieces with so many emotions that I choose not to show now. I feel am strong enough to let him go. 

No, maybe not that strong.

I shrugged off my feelings, 'cause I was never so good on describing it perfectly. And maybe this was the reason, why he cheated on me.

I decided to take a warm shower before going to the bed, it always makes me feel good on some days. I removed my clothes gently, loosened my hairs, took my favourite grapefruit flavoured shampoo and started drowning myself into the warm water.

I've to misremember him.

After giving enough time in the shower, I changed myself into comfy shorts and sheared top.

This day turned out miserable. I wanted to delete all my memories of this day. I know I'm sounding nuts but I really wanna do that. 

I tore today's day from the calendar. At least, I've this option. And I sank me on the bed.



For today, I'm gonna update this much only. 

FOlloW, CoMmeNT and VoTE .. maybe? xD

ILYSM guys.. Just stay awesome and loveii <3

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