The DM Chat Extravaganza//Ashlynn

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I heard my phone chime with the sweet sound of a dog barking. Yes, I have my alerts set to a dog barking. It's from when Issa had the dog barking for when he would transition from clip to clip. It's kinda hard to explain.

  I looked at why I had an alert.

  "Twitter: You have a DM from @twaimz "

  "OMG OMG OMG!!!" was all I could say. I was so happy! I didn't think he would respond, but I got a response!

  I decided to text back. Lauren had left already, she had to go somewhere with her parents. I read his text back to me.

  "Hii! How are you?" was what he said. I felt so happy. My hands shook as I typed out a message back.

"I'm fine, thanks! How are you? And I know I've said it before, but thanks for responding! Your videos make me so happy! :)"

I sent the message. I impatiently waited for a reply back. It feels like forever waiting. I got a text back a few minutes later.

"I'm doing awesome! And I'm so glad to hear that my videos make you happy!"

I was so elated. I was chatting with my most favorite person ever. He's just so sweet. I love him so much. :)

We texted for the rest of the day after, until I had to go to bed.

"My parents are making me go to bed. I wish I could talk more. Maybe, we could talk tomorrow?"

I waited for a response back.

"Yeah, sure! That would be awesome! And good night!"

He is literally the sweetest person ever. I fell asleep, having good dreams for the first night in a long time.

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