Dream Catcher

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By Anita Ghimire
Born 1992, F, from Kathmandu, Nepal

Once upon a time, there was a girl who wanted to fly away from the world, away from all the mean and selfish people. She wanted to vanish into the thin air because deep down her heart, she knew that she did not belong to this world anymore. The world so corrupt, so barbaric that it sent chill down her spine every time she thought of going out. After all, both her parents were lost in this Dark Land.

The people more vicious than wild beasts dwelled the land and they suppressed the voice of everyone who wanted to fly away like her.
So one day, she came up with a plan.And her idea was so brilliant that she felt proud of herself. Though she knew that she could never in her life escape this living hell, she very well knew that she could make it possible with having to actually run away. So how do you think it's possible if it is not possible??? Hmmm! Now that's a tricky question, isn't it?

Well, this little girl of our was not an ordinary child, she was a DREAMER. And by dreamer I mean, one who dreamt zillions of dreams without closing her eyes. She was a miracle child who had survived the cruelty of the waste land and it's dwellers. She was a girl, who protected herself alone and never sought anybody for help.

The girl always dreamt of traveling around the unseen world like a explorer. Though she did not know the meaning of exploring, she did it all the time in her dreams but she never dared to fly in her imagination. She was too scared that the people might notice her, even in her dreams. So she always tried to keep her DREAMY WINGS hidden away from everyone. What if she tried to fly and those nasty people caught her before she could soar high enough? What if they cut off her pretty wings? Oh! the thought of it, itself was horrifying.
She never dared but this time she knew she was ready for her very first flight away from this doomed land. She clearly saw the danger but she felt confident and brave.

So without thinking she ran to the busy market where hundreds of poor and hungry people were begging outside a large mansion of the rich, fat rulers. She looked around and shouted, "I am going to fly." Nobody seemed to care except an old man in a tattered clothes. The man didn't say anything but simply smiled at the girl.

She knew she had to take actions before these people completely forget her. So she closed her eyes and counted three.
"1 2 3..."

Wheeeeeeeee! She flew like a bird. The girl with the wings soared in the sky. She flapped her wings which appeared golden under the sun. She looked magnificent and she laughed and waved at the poor hungry souls who waved back at her with longing.

She was free and happy unlike them, who hardly gave a second thought to their freedom and desires except for food and ragged pieces of clothes to cover their naked body. But now after so many years, this little girl made them feel happy. For the very first time in their lives, they smiled, laughed and cheered. They felt like REAL humans rather than vermin they were treated like. For the first time in their life they felt like they were not being watched by the guards and the spies. Even those government rats were too stunned to take any action.

And the little girl gave them hope. They wanted to fly but did not know how to. So the old man asked the little girl, "Oh you pretty little thing, tell us how you learnt to fly like that? And how did you get those lovely wings?"

"I dreamed of it. you can have them too," the girl said.

"But how? We have stopped dreaming a long time ago."

"It is not that difficult."

"Teach us then."

"Close your eyes and count to three and think what you want to do," said the wise little girl.

"But remember, you won't be able to dream until you forget the world you are living in."

So people did what they were instructed. Even the guards followed.

And all of a sudden, everyone was above the ground. They all had the wings and they flew just like the girl. And while all that was happening, the group of big fat corrupt rulers were watching them from the windows of their big mansion. They were afraid. They knew very well that if the people started dreaming then there was no way to control them.

The tyrants were sucking the imaginations and hope out of poor people and thriving on them. They were in big trouble, so what could they possibly do?
One of the fat monkeys suggested the others to close their eyes and dream of a safe place. But we all know, bad people's dreams never come true. Instead of a safe haven, the freaks found themselves alone together in a lonely desert. No food, no water, nothing except sand and scorching heat. While the tyrants were suffering for their cruelty and sins, the little girl and her people happily flew to a new world. A world of hopes and dreams and happiness.

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