The Choosing (chapter 1)

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Would they choose me? After training all my life for this day, I wasn't so sure. Even all the extra hours I spent training to be the best I wasn't so sure I would be chosen. I had an advantage because my dad used to be the leader guardian but most people didn't like me. I don't really care but I really hope I get a team.

Sorry I didn't really introduce myself now did I?

I'm Reese Withrow and I am 5:9" with boring straight hair and almond-shaped grey eyes. I hate my eyes because people always as me if I'm wearing contacts. I have no curves at all and have muscular guy shaped legs.

"Reese Withrow." The speaker announced. My hands were sweaty as I tried to confidently stand up and walk to the stage. Everyone's eyes followed my movement as I made my way through to crowd that was dividing.

When I made it up the stairs and to the stage, the speaker called up the next few people that were chosen to maybe be able to lead a team.

The lights blinded my eyes as I skimmed the crowd to find my best friend Olivia. I saw her waving and yelling my name. I couldn't help but be jealous of her perfect blond hair and bright blue eyes. She had perfect curves and many guys noticed her.

"And the chosen leader is..." The speaker let the suspense hang in the air before saying a name. " Reese Withrow."

I couldn't believe I had accomplished my life goal. I waited to hear the names but before the speaker could talk, the crowd started booing. Tears threatened to form in my eyes but I refused to cry. I had to stay calm and just wait for the names.

" The sixth person is Barry Jones." The announcer said enthusiastically.

Barry was really funny and was nice to everyone so I didn't mind that he would be on my team.

......until they said his brother's name

" Keatyn Jones."

I instantly think I heard the announcer wrong. There is no way HE is on a team, especially MY team. He was the bad boy, the player that every girl wants to tame. I mean, he's just a guy; kind of attractive well actually pretty hot, and his dad owns like most of the kingdom of Zanine.

I see him cockily walking up to the stage and I swear half of the girl population starts to drool. When he gets on the stage, he looks at each person intensely. As his gaze finally falls on me, he smirks and then winks.

ARE YOU FREAKING KIDDING ME? We are supposed to go on missions and save the world but instead, Keatyn wants to 'save' one girl at a time.

He smirks again as I glare at him. It's like he knows what sets me off and I can feel my face turning a very unattractive red color.

As I here the announcer list off the others, my mind wanders to a flashback.

Keatyn and I were laying in the mud together. I had pushed him into it and he had pulled me on top of him as he fell. Chest on chest, we stared at each other. His eyes went to my lips and I leaned in closer.

I pressed my lips softly to his and closed my eyes. Was I doing it right? Did he feel the tingles as are lips pressed together or was I overreacting? I was suddenly pushed off while landing into the mud, and the air was knocked out of me.

I looked up to see him towering over me with his beautiful green eyes.

"Y-you don't l-like me?" I ask and hate my voice for betraying me.

"This would never work you are weak and will never be good enough for me." Keatyn tells me in a stone cold voice. I look into his eyes to see if he truly meant it but he quickly looks away as if disgusted by even looking at me.

I quickly get up and run while wiping the angry tears off my face.

End of flashback.

That day changed me to be thestrong-willed girl who puts on a fake smile for the world to see.

Hey Babes!! Sorry this is really short I promise to have longer chapters. Beware I will end on cliff-hangers.
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⏰ Last updated: Mar 16, 2016 ⏰

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