Prolouge: The boy

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        In a small town not far from Dublin, Ireland, there was a small three room cottage. In this cottage lived a beautiful woman. She coulden't have been more that 30 years old. She had a daughter who was just as lovely. Both with beautiful mahongeny brown hair and fair skin, though the daughter had a bit more tan to it. The only thing they differd in was eye color. While the mothers eyes were a pure baby blue,the color of the sky on a cloudless day. The daughters were a nice comforting shade of fern green, like the leaves of the summer trees, and one that was an amber color, of comforting warmth. The only thing wrong with this picture of a loving family, was that there was no father to speak of. But that's a bit later on in the story. And we're getting a bit sidetracked.

                    One a nice summers day, midsummers day, to be exact a young boy no older that 15 was walking along the path that led to the cottage. He took in his surrourndings, noting the many flowers and vines that coverd the house, and the small stream next to it. And that stream was seperating the house and garden form a dense thick wood. Walking along the garden path, he came across a gate. Listening closely, he heard a sweet voice singing a beautiful, forlorning tune. Opening the gate he found a The mother that was mentioned above. Her lovely, thick brown hair, was twisted and twined into a lovely braid that was tossed over her shoulder as she set down her teacup int he dirt, of a small inner garden. Upon hearing the gate open, she stopped her whisteling and and turned her head in his direction. "Well, hello there! And how are you this wonderful day young lad?" She asked. Her voice was melodic, and as beautiful as wind chimes that were blown around in a smooth spring breeze. The young boy was compelled to answer. "I'm wonderful, thank you for asking. And how are you?" The woman laughed letting out a sound, that was more beautiful, and melodic than her voice. " I'm Wonderful as well," Standing up she brushed her had's off on her green dress, and gestured for the boy to come inside. "Please, Please, come in! I'm sure my daughter would love to meet you! She rarely gets to meet any young people. Just the old witches who come to gossip! You look about her age anyhow." Opening and closing two french doors, she lead him to a large living room. One side of the large room was a full wall book shelf, stocked with books.  There were hundreds upon hundreds, some old looking leather, that was cracked along the spine's, some the cover made of silk of all kinds of colors, such as lavender, liliac, and periwinkle! Others were so new and stiff looking they looked like they were in pain. On the other side there was a grand fire place with a small fire going. Photos were hung on each wall, all of them of one of the two people occupying the house. mismatched sofas litterd the room, with all kinds of textures, and prints, and sizes. One of the armchairs was a deep velvet wine red, a sofa made of cream'e cousion's and wood work. pointing at the collection of sofas and chairs she said, " Please, sit down and relax. I'll go get my daughter, and then we can all enjoy a cup of tea! Oh, but then you must go. It's almost time for the festival. We only have time for maybe one story." She said. She dusted off the dirt on her green skirt and side stepped the calico cat that he had somehow missed in his earlier osbervations. It was a cozy home, though it could barley be called little. Before long, a tray of assorted cookies and cakes was placed in front of him. Looking up he saw the girl, that the woman had referd to as her daughter. He recigionized her from the photos hanging on the wall. She was a lovely sight. She had kind eyes, and her hand's, he noticed were soft and worn looking. She smiled kindly, sitting down on the sofa across from him. Grabbing a book that lay among the many scatterd across the table stand. Folding her leg's in underneather her. " My mother will be here in a moment. She's making tea. Smiling lightly to herself, She opend the book and begs=an to get comfortable in her chair....


So comment below and tell me what you though. Should i continue? Or should I chang the story?

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