Revealing the Truth

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I finally felt safe enough to slow the car down as I turned the corner onto my street. Michael and I flung forward when I brought the car to a complete stop. I exhaled loudly in relief that we made it out of that diner alive and unscathed. Grandma's porch never looked so good. Michael was squealing with glee as I put the car in Park. I slammed my head back against the headrest and watched him chuckling away. 

"Now that was fun!" he laughed and clapped. 

"Hmph! Maybe for you." I said exhausted. My adrenaline had gone down and I was way too tired to engage. I relaxed my eyes and yawned quietly. I was trying to muster up the energy to get out of the car. With my eyes still closed I said, "Thanks alot, Michael. This morning has been quite eventful. My feet are sore and I'm about to go back to bed. Maybe I'll see you at work?" I felt my head nod forward. I could feel myself starting to doze off in the driver's seat so I knew I needed to go. I pulled the door handle. "See you later." I mumbled.

"Well wait! I want to meet your grandma." I heard his door handle jiggle. I was suddenly rejuvenated with a burst of nervous energy. I grabbed his shoulder. "Michael, no. My grandma is very sick. She'd probably be embarrassed." 

He twisted his lip and waved his hand at me. "Oh nonsense. I'm sure she'd be ok with it. C'mon!" He whisked out of his seat. I jolted out of the car and rushed to the sidewalk. "Michael, no really. Our home is a mess. I'm sure she's a mess. It's not a good time. Please." I pleaded with him. 

He gave me a sympathetic look and put his hands on top of my shoulders. "Onny, you worry too much. It'll be fine," he smiled, suddenly making me weak. I felt a small pathetic smile on my face and could see it in the reflection of his sunglasses. He dotingly slid his thumb across my chin. "I want to meet this magnificent woman I've heard all about. Now stop fussing and let's go." 

I knew he wasn't going to let up. He turned me towards the aluminium fence. My head down, I reluctantly opened the latch and slowly walked to the porch. Michael followed closely behind. After I turned the key, I stood still giving him a silent plea. He insistently motioned for us to go inside. I shook my head and opened the door. As we walked in, our usually modest home suddenly seemed a lot poorer. Having this multimillionaire standing, in the living room, beside our pink floral couch, red shag carpet and beige curtains made me feel like I lived in a crackhouse. I watched him looking around curiously at all the tacky angel knick knacks Grandma had on the shelves. His presence made me feel ashamed of every portion of that house.

"Dee Dee?" Grandma called from her room.

"Dee Dee?" Michael repeated with a chuckle. "Hmmm, Dee Dee. I think I like that too." 

"Please stop. Onny is bad enough."I cringed. He laughed and stuck his tongue at me. "Yeah, Grandma it's me." I called back.

"Oh good. I need to be changed. I think I got the runs again!" My eyes sprang out of my head. Michael put his head down to hide his laughter. "Please don't laugh at her." I pleaded, pulling his arm. 

"No I'm not laughing at her..." His face turning red. The laughter was about to burst from his lips. He stifled it. He saw the embarrassment in my face and fixed his expression. "No I understand. Sorry."

Feeling flustered, I massaged my forehead. "Uh Grandma, we have a guest here. Someone who really wants to meet you!" I said, tensing up. 

"Oh Lawd, who have you brought up in here with you? Now you know I don't like people coming over unexpected!" Her frail voice whined. 

"I know, Grandma. I know." I gritted, cutting my eyes at Michael. He mouthed the words Sorry and sheepishly slid away from me turning his attention to a beaded lamp. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29, 2016 ⏰

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