A conclusion With A Reason

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"A Wish Come True" was written because I got really bored in class one day and I was jotting down ideas for writing short stories and threw a whole lot of them out. All of the ideas made it into the trash except the idea for "A Wish Come True". I slept on it for a few days and then decided to start writing. I threw out a lot of chapters through out the process.

"Dreams and Nigthmares" wasn't supposed to be all a dream. My first intentions were for it to be that 10k said yes to Johnnie and she died and it takes place in Lucys pov. Then I got the idea to make the title go along with the story line. But my favorite part was for 10k to wake up and for her to have chosen Harry.

"Before She Came" is supposed to show that if it weren't for someone coming into the guys life that they migth not have stayed together. If it weren't for 10k coming into their life then the guys migth not still be who they are today.

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