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Natalie's POV:

"What exactly did Cameron want?" I ask parking the car.

He sighs." Peanut butter and Jelly."

I give him a what-the-fuck look.

"I have that at the apartment." I roll my eyes.

He shrugs." Might as well buy something while we're here."

I nod hopping out. I don't want to be here, I don't want to see him, I just wanna go home and throw myself in bed.

We walk beside each other. Not to close, but not to far apart. The Walmart slide doors open and I step in and grab a cart.

He just shifts, awkwardly.

We walk to the food area and walk towards the chip section.

"What chips?" He asks.

I shrug.

He sighs." Not ganna talk to me?" He raises his eyebrows grabbing some Lime Lays.

I shrug once again.

"Natalie, look stop being such a pain in the ass and lets talk about our crap." He says in annoyance.

Rude much?

I just stare at him completely taken back by his words. Does he really think he can talk to me like that? Yeah no.

"First of all, stop being such a cock. I'm not your little puppy to boss around. We don't have crap to talk about." I state out.

By know I'm pretty sure my eyes are grey.

He steps back, taking in my words." That gay-guy sure did do some stuff you when I was gone." He mutters.

I feel madness start to build up. He did not just call Axel gay. He should look at him self.

"It's Axel by the way. Not gay-guy, just because people use those words to describe you, doesn't mean Axel is the same. Plus, have you looked in the mirror, you're the one who has changed." I spat leaving the cart and him.

I stomp away, pushing people pass me.

"Natalie wait!" I hear him yell.

I roll my eyes and continue to walk towards the exit.

I reach the exit and look back to see Matthew walking with his head down.

I sigh and walk a little slower.

He reaches me and pins me to a random car.

"Some one help!" I yell.

I look around and the parking lot is empty.

Matthew lets go and looks at me in confusion." Why are you scared of me?"

I look at him with a mad face." You just pinned me Espinosa!" I yell rubbing my wrist.

"I didn't mean to hurt you Dallas." He grins.

I flip him off and cross my arms.

"No but seriously, why are you scared of me?" He asks more serious.

I stand there. This kid really doesn't know.

"No I don't." He slightly tilts his head.

I said that out loud?

"Yes you did." He chuckles.

I seem more into my thought. I try to smile, but I can't.

Its just to hard for me now.

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