Your child has a different father

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Harry- You were going to introduce Chase, your three year old son, to Harry today. Your ex boyfriend's best friend was the father, only because he took advantage of you one night at a party. When you found out and told him, he left and your boyfriend left, mad that you had gotten pregnant from someone other than him.

Once Harry and Chase had met the instantly got on great. So you left them alone until you heard something weird.

"Your hair is really curly. Mommy wants curly hair, will you give her some?" Your son is innocently asking Harry. "Well I don't know, little man. Do you think your mommy could handle my hair?" Harry winks at him and he falls into a fit of giggles, holding his little tummy. He quickly shakes his head and Harry nods. "Will you be around forever? You're funny." Harry looks at you and you're in tears, amazed by the scene in front of you. You nod your head and Harry conveys that to Chase. Chase cheers and hugs Harry. "Thanks Harry. Can I call you daddy?" Harry starts getting teary and nods his head, "Yeah Chase, I'll be your daddy." He choked out, his voice cracking every so often. "I'll be your daddy, Chase, forever and ever."

Liam- You had to go into work early today, so you called your usual sitter for your two year old daughter Maylie. She was busy and you couldn't find anyone else to help you out so you called Liam, your boyfriend of two weeks. He agreed and showed up at your flat within ten minutes. You left quickly and went to work. As you got home you noticed that nobody was home. You start to panic before you spot a note on the front table.


Me and Maylie went to the park, we might go to the recording studio if you're not home by two-thirty. I have to do some recording and I'm sure the guys will love her. Text me to figure out where we are. See you soon babe!


You text Liam and make your way to the studio per his request. When you get there the guys are crowding her and all you can hear is her high-pitched giggles of delight. You make your way through and find Liam and Niall tickling Maylie.

"What do you think you're doing here, Maylie?" You say laughing slightly. "Uncle Niwer and dada are tickewing me! Hewp mama!" You stop suddenly and stare at her, gobsmacked. Her father was the captain of the football (American) team back in high school and she was a surprise graduation present nine months later.

Liam doesn't even look fazed and tickles her one more time. You motion to Liam to talk and he leaves Maylie in the care of the other four boys.

"Li, what is she talking about?" Liam smiles sheepishly and looks at you through his eyelashes. "She asked me who I was and I explained that we were together so she started calling me dada and I didn't feel like correcting her. Could I though? Could I be her father? I want to, so badly. We already get along great and I love her to bits. Even after just a day, I can't turn her down. Please, (Y/N)?" You smile brightly and nod your head. Liam wraps you in a hug and whispers in your ear, "One big happy family, that's what I've wanted and now I do with you."

Louis- You and Louis were on a date when you got a text from your mom saying that one of your twins was rushed to the hospital because he had seized up and his sister had a severe panic attack because of it. You quickly had Louis rush you to the correct hospital and you both rushed in to find your mom in the waiting room with Annalynne. Annalynne was sitting next to your mom, looking half asleep. "MOM! What happened?! Is Vincent okay?!" Your mom shifted Annalynne and you quickly grabbed her an in her drugged state she drunkenly slurred a soft 'mummy?'

You heard Louis gasp, but you dismissed it, focusing on Annalynne. "How is Vincent, mom? What happened?" Your mom sighed and as she was about to talk a doctor came up and started talking. "Vincent (Y/L/N) is sedated and resting, he suffered a medium level seizure and we think it was caused by-" "By epilepsy? Yeah I know, he's had it since he was born. Can we go see him?" You interrupted the doctor, impatient to see your son. The doctor nodded and led the four of you to a room down the hall. You all walk in and you rush over and sit in the chair next to the bed, Annalynne still in your arms. Your mom says that she is going home so you nod and set Annalynne next to Vincent on the bed so she can sleep easier. Finally you turn to Louis. His face is in shock, and you curse in your head. "So when were you going to tell me?" His voice isn't mad, more curious than anything. "Erm, I actually was going to tell you today. But then this happened and it ruined my plans. Are you upset?" Louis smiles and comes to stand next to you. He gently caresses your cheek and you lean into his hand. His lips press to the top of your head and he tentatively starts talking, as if he's afraid of what you're going to say. "You know, when they meet me, they're going to want to know who I am. Can I say that I'm their- erm- I just wanted to know if it was okay that I said that- that they were mine. Like that I was their dad." You looked up and saw the sincerity in his eyes and you nodded harshly and pulled him into a kiss. "You can be their father , Lou. They will love you. Thank you." Louis doesn't say anything, just smiles and kisses you again.

Niall- Niall knew you had a son, you guys being together since before he was born. Niall also knew that your asshole of an ex boyfriend was the father. But that never stopped him from being at your house at all hours to play with four year old Alexander. In fact, Alex would always ask you where Niall was when he wasn't at your home, looking for the blonde Irishman.

One day when Niall was over he got the shock of his life. "Mommy says that you're not my daddy. I thought you were my daddy. Is that why I have to call you Niall?" Niall didn't know what to say, shocked that a four year old could process this. But nevertheless he told Alex not to worry and he went to talk to you. "(Y/N)? Alex just said something to me, and it's got me thinking. We've been together for almost five years, and Alex keeps calling me by my name. I want to be more than that, I want to be his father. Your ex isn't in the picture, he doesn't even care about Alex. Can I please be his daddy?" You had tears in your eyes, overwhelmed by the love you felt by Niall's words. You quickly nodded our head and as if on que, Alex ran into the room shouting something about his cars to Niall. Niall smiled at the little boy and conveyed what you two had discussed. Alex was so happy because he loves Niall and Niall loves Alex. You were one big happy family finally.

Zayn- Zayn and you had been friends for a long time. You meeting him during one of his tours. You had helped him through his breakup with Perrie and him with your boyfriend of a few years. He also was there when you found out your ex had left you pregnant with a baby. Zayn had confessed his love for you right after you had found out that your baby was a girl, and you having been in love with him for a while, were ecstatic. And after your baby girl, Anjali, was born Zayn told you to move in with him, which you did, and you lived your life happily.

One day your daughter came up to you with a serious look on her face. For a five year old, she was quite smart and you were happy that she understood so much about life. "Mommy? Why don't I look like you or daddy? I mean, I have your eyes, but where did my red hair come from?" You were shocked that your daughter was thinking about this and you decided that you would explain about her real father and Zayn.

"Well baby, Zayn isn't really your daddy. Mommy's old boyfriend is your daddy. But he left and Zayn came and became your daddy. He loves you like you were his own and that's all you need to worry about, okay love?" Your daughter nodded and from then on she never questioned about he real father, always being close to Zayn and loving him for loving her.

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