Chapter 14

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your friendly neighborhood captain is giving you an explicit warning


"I don't know who the fuck you think you are,"

Lauren rolled her eyes. She could spot out that voice anywhere.

"Go away, Grande," the fourteen year old Gryffindor huffed.

"No," Ariana said harshly. She wiped the blood from her lip, a battle scar from the Gryffs versus Slyths match. Slytherin won, only because of a technicality caused by Brad. But after that, Ariana put him in the hospital wing. Again.

"I know you aren't a good person, and I've accepted that, but that doesn't mean I'm going to let you slander and degrade one of my best friends," Ariana snapped, connecting her pointer finger and thumb and waving it for emphasis.

"And not only my best friend," Ariana continued "An entire part of the wizarding community,"

"But especially, my best friend," Ariana lectured. Lauren rolled her eyes.

"She's not your best friend," Lauren grumbled.

"Oh, and she's yours?"

Lauren shook her head. "You don't know her like I do,"

"You're right, I know her better than you do," Ariana crossed her arms. "I've been here for her this whole time. You haven't,"

"Are you going to lecture me about being a bad friend now?" Lauren scoffed.

"No," Ariana scowled. "I'm going to lecture you about how demonic it is to degrade someone based off their blood,"

"Are you homophobic, Lauren?" Ariana challenged.

"Of course not,"

"Then why would you degrade someone for something they don't have control over, like sexuality, or blood?"

Lauren rolled her eyes. "That's not what I'm doing,"

"Really? Cause they sound similar," Ariana snapped. "Degrading someone because of something they can't control, only because a bunch of guys from two thousand years ago said it 'wasn't right?' And that it makes them 'uncomfortable?' We're in the twenty first century, Jauregui. Grow the fuck up and start being more open minded,"

Lauren slammed her locker, facing the angry Slytherin. "I don't need to be ridiculed by you,"

"You bet your ass you do," Ariana growled. "If you think I'm going to let you be biased and prejudice against my best friend, I will make sure to make your visit to the hospital wing will be worse than Brad's broken leg,"

Lauren smirked. "Is that a threat?"

Ariana stepped closer to the Gryffindor, nose in her face as she looked up at her. "You know what my family is capable of,"

Lauren's eyes widened, as it dawned on her of the other girl's lineage.

"That's low, even for you," Lauren said, voice cracking.

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