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His heart sped up excitedly in his chest as he saw her face. His eyes lit up. Before he knew it, she was right there in front of him. Nervously, he tucked his loose curls behind his ears. They'd been talking for a while and he decided he was finally ready to ask her.

"Will you go out with me?" He whispered, a light pink kissed his cheeks as he formed the words. She smiled. 

Oh her smile. It could clear the clouds and pull out the sunshine. It could make anyone's heart burst. And it made him fall in love with her. He loved her, all of her. And he knew it since day one. He loved her.

The word yes never sounded so beautiful. Never did it shock him this much before. Never before did it result in the best, most passionate kiss that he's ever had. 

And her hugs, they felt so comfortable so welcoming they reminded him of home, they reminded him of happiness and all things wonderful. So much 


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