Exo M : He Likes It When..

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Kris: he likes it when you appreciate him and pay a full attention on him,and He Loves it when you two are alone,you back hugging him.

Tao : He likes it when you hold his hand while cuddling,and he loves all the little thing you did to him,all of your affection towards him make he falling for you even more.

Luhan : He likes it when he have the feeling to protect you from anything,And he loves it when you need him for comfort.

Lay: he likes it when you rely on him more,and always care about him. When you worried about him,it made him think you are an angel that are made just for him.

Chen: he likes it when you mad about his prank than just brush it off,he loves to see you frustrated and laugh because of his prank ,to him,your laugh is his drug.

Xiumin : He loves it when both of you spending time together cuddling or going out together ,
It made him want to know about you more and when you smile it made his heart melt and make him falling in love with you.


Sorry! For the late update!
It seems that i forgot the password of my account and taking several months to open this shitty account again! Sorry lad! Its my fault, I promise I'll update again!

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(Sorry for the grammars error)

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