Resist the Urge to Criticize

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When we judge or criticize another person, it's says nothing about the other person; it merely says something about our own need to be critical.
If you were to attend a gathering and listen to the surrounding criticism, and then go home and consider a world a better place, you'll probably come up with the same answer that I do: Zero! It does no good. Not only does criticism solve anything in this world, but it contributes to the anger and distrust in our world. After all, no one likes to be criticized. Criticism makes us more deffensive and sometimes more self concious of ourselves. A person who feels attacked or insulted will do one of two things: he will either retreat in fear or shame, or he will attack or lash out in anger. Nobody has once said, "Thank you so much for pointing out my flaws, I appreciate it" , and this is because criticism is nothing more than a bad habit. It's something we get used to doing; we're familiar with how it feels. It keeps us busy and gives us something to talk about.
If needed, try turning criticism into...a game. Catch yourself when you criticize others. Realize how much it hurts them, and how you'd feel to be criticized poorly too. Hopefully, if you catch yourself more often, and realize what your doing, you can turn your criticism into tolerance and respect.

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