Chapter 8 - So many questions... And let the adventure begin.

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A/N: Heheh... Heh... I just ate some cake... Sadly, it ain't cheesecake. :c...So in this chapter... Uh... Just don't kill me, Ok? Cuz if you do, this story won't be updated anymoar. So hope you enjoy. Don't kill me. Plez. PS: Long chapter, since some of the previous chapters were short. c:

Jason's P.O.V. 

-The next day-

I woke up in a dark place. I was sitting on the edge of a room... It's really damp... And it smells li-

"Good Morning, Jason." A deep voice said. It sounds like a girl... Oh no...
"Who... Who are you?" I ask curiously. Even though I think I know who she is... I could be wrong...
"Oh Jason," She started. "You're always so curious."
"WHO ARE YOU?!" I ask, screaming this time.

Suddenly, I heard some foot steps come closer. Then, I felt a sharp pain on my left shoulder. She... She stabbed me with a sword...

"ARGH!" I screamed in pain. She quickly pulled back her sword.

"Hmm... Not as strong as I thought..." She says, wiping my blood from her sword.
"Who are you?!" I ask again, ignoring the pain.
"Well Jason, I am... Dawn." I knew it. I KNEW IT WAS HER.

Then, all of the lights came on. Since it was so bright, I had to cover my eyes with my right hand. My left hand was in too much pain...

"Why are you doing this to me..." I asked quietly.
"So many questions..." She said walking around the room.

When my eyes finally adjust to the lighting, I moved my right arm, so it was holding my left shoulder. I was trying to make the bleeding stop, but it didn't help me much...

When i looked around, I gasped. Squids... Squids were everywhere... They were watching me...

"Hey. Hey Jason. You suck." One of the squids said. I just growl at him.

"Wh-where's Adam?" I asked. Does she have Adam too? Is she torturing him too?
"Who? Oh... Adam..." She said... Sadly? "He's not here." She said quickly.
"How can I trust you?"
"You need to stop asking so many questions..." She says as she kick me in the stomach.

Adam... I need you...

Mitch's P.O.V.

When I woke up, I look up and saw Jerome. I smile at him. We've been dating since the day after I confessed. I was just admiring him, then his eyes fluttered open.

"Morning." I say smiling. He just chuckles, which made me blush slightly.
"You're adorable when you blush, you know that?" He said. That just made me blush harder.
"Umm... Uh... Thanks I guess..." I say shyly. Even though me and Jerome have been together for a month, I'm still shy around him.
"Cute." He simply says. And kisses me.

When I pull away, he frowns slightly. I laugh at him, and snuggle into his chest.

It was the perfect way to wake up. Until...


"Did you hear that?" Jerome asked, concerned.
"Yea, I think that's Adam..." I answer... What's wrong with Jason?

"Let's go check it out." I suggest. We both stood up, did some stretches. And ran outside.


Adam's P.O.V. 


I turned around and saw Mitch and Jerome... Holding hands? Okay...

"What?" I said angrily. I know it sounds silly, but I fell asleep outside last night.
"What're you doing screaming Jason? Is he okay?" Mitch asks with a worried look on his face.

When I heard his name, I just fall to the ground on my knees, and cried.

"ADAM!" Jerome and Mitch said in unison. They ran to me and hugged me.

"J-jason... He-he left me to go f-fishing l-last night... B-but he ne-never came back!" I said between sobs.
"WHAT?! Did you find anything? Like his stuff or something?" Jerome asked. So many questions...
"I... I found this note... It was next to hi-his fishing rod..." I said quietly.

Mitch quickly read the note. His eyes widen when he saw it was from the squids.

"No..." Mitch says quietly.
"No, no what?" I ask curiously, wiping the tears away from my face.

"It couldn't be squids, the hand writing in this letter is too... Too neat." Mitch said. With a slightly scared look on his face.
"I... I think you might be on to something" Jerome said.

"Wait, give me that letter..." I said. Mitch gave me the letter and I quickly took it from him. I noticed there was a tiny signature at the bottom corner of the letter... I recognize that signature anywhere.

"Dawn..." I said angrily. My sadness disappearing, anger replacing it.

"Who?" Jerome asks with a confused look on his face.
"Dawn. She... She used to like me... A LOT." I answered. It's true.

Dawn used to have the biggest crush on me. But I never liked her back, I'm gay, remember? Plus, she's a creeper... She used to stalk me... It's weird.

"She... She used to stalk me... But when she found out I liked Jason, she became super jealous of him." I confessed. But now, since she had Jason... MY Jason... I'm gonna kill her if she does anything to him.

"I'm gonna kill her." I said angrily.
"Whoaaaaa... Calm down dood! She might have a whole army of squids with her!" Mitch says... 'Damn it... He's right.'

"Hmm... Maybe we should call the crew?" Jerome suggested. 'Crew? What Crew?' 
"Umm... Crew? What crew?" I ask with a really confused look in my face.
"Team Crafted." Mitch simply stated. "It's a little group thing we made when we were teens... One of us, Kermit, left us though... We still don't know why..." Mitch said with a sad look on his face.

"Anyway, the team could help you. You know, fight the squids." Jerome suggested. I smiled.
"It would be awesome!" I said happily. 
"That's the spirit dood! So, Ty's house is the closest one here. So we should go there first. Jerome and I will get some supplies from our house. You should go get some supplies too, Adam." Mitch suggested.

"Already have 'em." I said, pointing to my backpack by Jason's fishing rod.
"Well, we'll be right back, we're gonna get some supplies." Jerome stated. I nodded and wait by the lake.

~15 minutes later~ 

"Finally! You guys sure take a LONG time to get supplies!" I said, standing up.
"SORRY! Jerome wanted to use his suit, so at least he could look semi-human." Mitch apologized. I laugh at them.
"Shut up, dood." Jerome said, pointing at me.
"O... Okay... Sorry."

"It's okay, you ready, man?" Mitch asks.
I nod. And we start our adventure to find Team Crafted. 

'Let the adventure, begin.'

A/N: Was that a dramatic ending? o.e xD I tried to make it sound as cool as I can. Sorry if you don't like long chapters, just tell me in the comments if you want long chapters or short chapters. >.<

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