Chapter 1: A War-Torn World Part 1

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Everyone is in danger and a war is going on. This all started with growing mobs and their weird, self-aware behavior, but no one was sure of the cause. But apparently, someone was planning to put the world to an end and make it theirs. And the mobs were under their control. All of us needed to leave and find a place far away from Minecraftia. From the chaos...

                                                                                                                                                                  "Did you get the rest of the rest of the emeralds?"

"Yep. We can go."

There was a rumor going around recently about a rare, powerful enchanted book. I asked Seto about it, but the details were very vague. All I really remembered was that it was overpowered and gave you varied abilities. It was so rare and people didn't know much about it. There were some people who wanted it, but the magic wasn't allowed to be used since it was forbidden dark magic. Even worst, it could be used more for bad than good. At first, I wasn't really interested and expected the rumor to not be true, so I didn't care much. But I ended up finding out more about it when Mitch and I went on a mining trip. While traveling through the caves filled with diamond and butter, we came across bold markings that were on the wall.

"What's that? Are those old messages or something?" I asked.

Mitch shrugged and took a closer look at the writing as I followed him. They seemed to be really old, and they showed different statements all over the wall. The letters were big and written in crimson and some of them were hard to make out because of the handwriting. I started to get a shiver in spine. The color looked like blood, and the messages looked like warnings or cries for help at the time. Mitch was a little bit stunned at the sudden messages on the wall at the same time, looked curious, and started to read one of them aloud.

"'You are in grave danger...Leave...Minecraftia now. Your life...depends on it.'" 

I laughed a bit at the statement and didn't think anything of it, but when are started to think about it, I didn't really know if I was supposed to actually believe what the words said, while it could have been a legitimate warning. Mitch and I just looked at each other curious, not knowing what to do.

"Was someone here?" he asked.

"I'm not exactly sure, but just to be safe we should leave right now!" I suggested.

I tried to pull Mitch's hand and tried running to the exit but he let go and ignored my cowardice. I groaned and followed him and saw look closer into the markings.

"We can't leave yet! Now that I'm seeing this I want to find out what the other ones say. And if something DID happen, we should find out more about it." he said as he analyzed each statement.

"But WHY? We can just leave the mine, go home, and pretend we didn't see anything-"


Mitch turned around as if he saw something, and I turned to his direction. It was a hooded girl carrying something in a satchel.

"Who was that?" I asked.

Mitch just shrugged and turned back to the wall while I was still focused the girl with the hood. I took a quick look at the satchel and saw it dimly lit, like something was glowing inside. He started to making some sort of blue energy with her hands. She was apparently a magic user. But then it started to materialize into the shape of bomb. It's own timer appeared and it was set for 5 minutes. She fled and started to make her way out. I started to panic.

"Mitch!! We need to get out of here right NOW!!" I shouted.

"Sky, you need to calm down. Nothing is going to-"


I showed Mitch the bomb flowing with magic as the timer kept ticking.

"I-is that a BOMB!? How did-"

"Quick!! There's no time!! We need to leave!!"

I grabbed Mitch's arm and when started to run out of the mine as quickly as we could. We tried to ignore skeletons and such. Endermen was a much bigger problem now since they kept spawning every second, so we tried to keep our heads down. Soon enough, we were finally able to run out of there in time, but we had to rush to a far away spot so we could get away from the explosion. Panting every step, we reached an empty villager's house and quickly ran inside. We could hear the loud sounds of the explosion, and it almost compared to the sounds of an earthquake. There was a wave of red energy that spread across the desert and the rest of the village, and he blew away some of the wooden houses. It had stopped, but caused a lot of destruction.

"Oh my..." Mitch said in awe. "The whole place is..."

I looked around, and for sure the area was almost wiped out by the magical bomb. There were only a few people, but we saw that they were lying on the ground after getting caught up in it. Fortunately, they weren't dead. As Mitch went to help the poor victims, I still wanted to know who that person was and WHY he blew up mine and the rest of town. Was he just a griefer?

"I don't understand. What was that person doing? Just randomly walking around with some item, and just when he or she saw me, decides to explode the entire cave..."

"Maybe she thought we were after it?" Mitch thought.

"But whoever that person was doesn't even know us! And so what if we may have wanted it? She nearly killed the entire village for no explained reason!" I shouted.

"It doesn't make sense to me either. But maybe, we shouldn't...get involved."

I sighed and put out some of the fires.

"We should probably leave this place though before anything else happens. The mine is practically gone anyway, so..."

"Yeah. Let's leave."


"Oh. You're back." 

"I have it."

"The sapphire gemstone? Which power does this one hold?"

"I think it has the ability to give the wielder higher metabolism. It can be very useful to us in the future, so I would recommend not using it for now."

"I suppose that's a fair decision. But did you run into anyone in the mine?"

"Well, not exactly...I brought some attention to myself after a guy saw me wandering around, so I tried to get out of there quickly before he saw me. But other than that, it wasn't much of a hassle."

"Good. As long as you were not seen, it is fine. It is important for us to lay low and wait for the right time to put our plan into action...

End of Part 1

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 16, 2016 ⏰

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