Meeting Briar's parents

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Myles's POV

   When Briar could finally go home I drove her to her house and unpacked all of her things. As Brittany saw us come in she ran and gave Briar a huge hug. "Bri I've missed you so much!" She said. "Me too but I kind of want to breath" Briar said out of breath. As Brittany let go I carried Briar upstairs to her room, I didn't need to carry her but I wanted to make Briar feel like a princess. "Listen Myles my parents and my sister are coming to visit today at 4 o'clock" She said as I layed her down on her bed and sat besides her. "Okay if you want I can cook dinner for them" I said kissing her forehead. "Yeah that's great, but I don't think my dad would be so happy to see you live with Brittany and I" She said.

   That's true her dad seriously doesn't like me, and I never understood why. "It's okay baby g, if you want I can tell them that I'm only here because I'm visiting you and I can sleep at my grandma's until they leave" I said. "That's a great idea...But I kinda want you to stay here close to me" She said taking my hand. "Me too baby girl but I don't think your dad will like it so I'll just sleep at my grandma's and I'll visit you everyday I'll just call my gran and see if she can let me stay with her for a while." I said as I kissed her cheek. "Mylo I love you" She said. "I love you too" I said as I kissed her on the lips.

Briar's POV

   I was so glad to have Myles as my boyfriend and my best friend, he wasn't just my boyfriend he was also my best friend and he always did what he could to make me happy and help me when I needed him. "I'll get started with the food" he said. "I'll go to the supermarket and buy some ingredients" He continued. "Mylo can I please come with you?" I ask. "But Briar you need to rest, I don't want anything happening to you" He said. "Please let me come with you, I'm tired of staying in bed and the doctors said I'm much better now." I pleased. "How can I say no to my princess?" He smiled, I smiled back and he carried me downstairs like how a prince carries a princess. "Myles I can walk you don't have to carry me" I said. "I know I just want my princess to feel like a princess" He said as he kissed me.

   Myles was adorable I loved his smile, playing with his hair, his kisses, his songs. He even used to sing me some songs before I went to sleep while I was at the hospital. He was the most amazing boyfriend anyone could ever have, well when he's with the right girl. We went to the supermarket in Myles' car and as we were walking inside the supermarket Myles lifted me up and put me in the trolley. "Myles what are you doing?" I asked. "You're the first thing I want to buy, that will be mine forever" He said kissing me. "And this way you can reach stuff from the top shelf" He said as he gave me another kiss. "Myles we can get in trouble, can you help me get down? I'm being serious" I said. He helped me get down from the trolley and we went around to buy the stuff we needed. After we went home we put the stuff on the table and I helped Myles cook for a while. "Hey Bri is your head ok?" He asked. "It hurts a little but I'm fine" I replied. "Okay baby G but I think you should go and rest, go on the couch and have a nap, I'll wake you when everything's ready" He said kissing my forehead. I nodded and went to the living room, I was so lucky to have a boyfriend like him, I really do love him.


   While Briar is sleeping on the couch I continue preparing the food, I really love Briar and I want to make her and her family happy. I cooked lots of stuff. I made chicken rolls with sweet and sour as a starter with a side salad, meat stuffed with ham and cheese with roasted potatoes and as a dessert my famous ice cream sufle'. When everything was ready I gently woke up Briar with a kiss. "Hey baby girl, I finished everything now all you have to do is get dressed and I'll prepare the table. "Aww Mylo you're getting in to so much trouble just to make me and my parents happy, and you're even forced to go live with your grandma until they leave" She said. 

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