I am Crumbling

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There's a moment in the the life of every man and woman where they fall and struggle to get up. They make feel pain then numbness, the world around them begins to blur, they can be deaf to those around them. Absolutely useless. Unable to stand, unable to do so much as sit up and look at the world. They want to give up. They want to crumble into ash and be carried about where the wind will take them. Given up after so long. They can't fight for themselves or anyone anymore. I've fallen and I can't stand myself up anymore. I won't scream. I won't cry. I won't beg in futility. I won't be a burden unto others. All I can do is wait for the end to consume me. To crumble into ash and let the wind take me where it will. Why do I fight this losing battle? Bleeding and battered, barely able to hold my ground. Some call it fortitude, I can it bullheaded madness. I've fallen and I can't save myself. The Head of Vengarl speaks for me "Leave me be "Leave me be. I like it quiet. Leave me be." Yet you ask to hear my story. Why? Why do you want to talk to me when I push you away, demanding you leave me up my silence? If you're so insistent, "you may call me Desmond. If I deserve a name, in this sorry state." But before we begin, "Thank you, for lending an ear to my ramblings." You've given me hope, I'll tell you my story until now, will you help me get up and continue to write my story?

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 17, 2016 ⏰

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