1. The Night They Came About

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"We can't not celebrate you being on the top of the charts as a solo artist. Z, you're number one!" Liam smiled holding a four year old Kairi on his hip.

"Well, we can't. We don't have anyone to watch Kai." I told him watching as he tickled him. "Li, stop, you're going to drop him." I said as Kairi leaned back and had Liam fumbling to keep a hold of him.

"Papa!" Kairi said leaning out to me and away from Liam's tickles. I grabbed him. "You did good? With music?" He asked ready to clap his hands an big smile on his face.

"Yeah, papa did good with music." He clapped his hands his smile turning into giggles. Kairi was one of the very supportive people with this album. He was with me everyday to record a new song or help me finish an essay. I recently graduated college with my master's in music production. He's my little helper and my biggest supporter.
"Daddy, Papa did good!" Kairi cheered. I set him down and he ran to go play with his toys.

"Even Kai is happy for you. Which is why we should go out and celebrate." Liam wrapped his arms around my waist.

"We need someone to watch him. It can't be one of the boys because they would want to come too." Liam slips his hand into my pocket grabbing my phone.

"Call Wiatt. Have him watch Kai." Wiatt was my friend before he became my manager. He moved to the state's right after high school to go to college and became this big producer slash manager.

"He's probably out celebrating himself." I doubted that Wiatt would be able to watch him. He had friends of his own. Liam nodded for me to call him.

I dialed the number and pressed the phone to my ear. He picked up on the second ring. "Hello?"

"Hey, it's me. Are you busy?" I asked, nervous that he would say yes.

"Actually no. Just home for the night." I silently cheered.

"Not celebrating? My album is number one." I questioned. He made a muffled humming sound. 

"No, after you've been in this business for awhile a number one album for a client you're happy about but you don't celebrate. You should be though, since your album is number one."

"Actually about that.. would you be able to watch Kairi for me? Liam wants to go out and celebrate an I know the boys would want to go too and our parents are back in London."

"Yeah sure I would love to watch after the little squirt. I'll be over soon." I told him a quick thank you and hung up.

"So?" Liam asked as I pocketed my phone. He was stil holding my waist.

"He said he'll be over soon." Liam did a little victory dance and gave me a kiss. We pulled away when we heard Kairi calling for us.

"What is it little love?" I called to him. We heard a crash of his toys then him calling out.

"Papa!" He said. Liam an I walked in and his toys everywhere. His little hands pulled to his chest tightly

"Kairi James what did you do?!" Liam started off his voice elevated. I ignored his voice and went to check on him to make sure he wasn't hurt.

"Li, he was playing. I'm sure he didn't mean to dump his toys everywhere. The bin might have slipped out of his hand. Don't yell at him. Are you hurt little love?" Liam sighed and knelt down and started to pick up the toy cars that littered the floor.

Kairi's eye started to water as I held my hand out for him to show me his. When he did let me see his hand I saw he had a little splinter. It was from his toy bin it was made from wood and it was poorly sanded when we bought it.

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