A Plan Failing.

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(Rons POV)

Rick, Carl, Mom, Sam, Me, Gabriel, and Michonne. We all held hands as we escaped our house onto the walker infested streets wearing the walker guts. "mom" Sam whispered "Mom" Sam said louder. "MOM!" Sam screamed as walkers growled i squeezed his hand to tell him too stop as Mom ignored him. We walked as i looked around to make sure no walkers heard Sam and gave us away. "New plan we head too the quarry and get our cars." Rick said. "But Judith too the quarry and back." Mom said. "ill take her too my church until its safe." Gabriel said. "Thanks." Rick said handing her to him. they walked off as we held hands this time. Rick, Sam, Jessie, Carl, Me, and Michonne.
(Time skip to night time. Sams POV)
'The monsters will come-the ones out there and you wont be able too run away when they come for you they will eat you up and tear you apart all while your still alive..' Carols words echo threw my mind. as i stop among the horde.
(Carl's POV)
"Sam?" Jessie said. Sam began to cry as he was frozen and couldnt move. "Sam honey look at me." Jessie said. "Sam just look at Mom" Ron said. "Sam honey i need you too come with me" Jessie said nodding her head. Sam was crying "I want too.." Sam said as a walker tore into his shoulder and another one grabbed his head and bit his forehead. "MOOOOMMMMM!!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!" Sam screamed as he was devoured. Jessie refused too let go of him "Sam.... Sammmm..." Jessie said while crying. "Jessie?" I said. Jessie was frozen when a walker tore a piece of flesh from Sam's shoulder. "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.... SAM..!" Jessie screamed out crying. A walker latched on to her shoulder and she had no reaction. Walkers swarmed her. "SAAMMMM SAMMMMM SAMMMMMMM!!!" Jessie continued too scream as walkers took her down. She refused too let me go. "Dad!!" I screamed as i snapped my dad back into reality. 
(Rons POV)
She wont let go of Carl what do i do. I saw rick lift his hatchet up as he began to hack her hand off first strike she didn't let go Second strike blood shot out but she still didnt let go but by the third swing her whole hand fell off.Carl fell and I grabbed Carl's hand as Enid and Glenn came out shooting randomly a bullet went by me as i turned around i saw Carl's eye gone and blood was spewing from the socket. Rick picked Carl up and ran too the infirmary. Michonne and me killed some walkers too make a clear path for Rick. When Rick and Carl got to the infirmary  I stayed by Carl's side while Rick, Michonne, Heath, Spencer, and Aaron went out with them too fight the walkers. i stayed there with Carl and Denise. I kissed Carls forehead while i went out with my knife and began too stab walkers getting close to the house where Carl was.  I went up behind Enid and helped her "Where did you go?" i asked her. "i just left..." Enid said. I killed a walker going up behind glenn. "AHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!" Enid screamed out i turned around and saw blood pouring from her neck.Walkers tearing flesh from her body and i was there frozen. A walker grabbed her face and began too tear her cheek off."AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!" Enid screamed as her face was slowly ripped off. I eventually killed the few walkers on her then stabbed her in the head not wanting her too come back.
(time skip)
Carl's POV
"Ron its been a month just forget about what happened to Enid." I said wrapping my arm around him as he laid he head on my chest. "its just... she was the only girl i knew when this happened." Ron said.  "Its okay.." i said trying to comfort him. Ron looked up at me. "Carl who exactly shot you in the eye?" Ron asked me. "Dad said it was Enid. Glenn said it was him. i dont exactly know.." i told him. Ron hugged me before going to his  old house.
(.3. so how was it :3  spoiler RIP Ron.)

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