discovery of a New Group

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Rons POV
I didnt really go to my old house i walked too the graves. 'Sam Anderson, Jessie Anderson, and Enid' I read out loud. I felt a hand on my shoulder i turned around too see Rick there. "Listen kid your gonna be okay..." Rick said. "Please leave me alone..." I said before walking outside the gate. Carl followed behind me. "Carl i know your there.." I said behind me. A walker tackled me too the ground trying to bite my throat. Carl came out and stabbed the walker in the head. "T-thanks..." i told him before i heard another walker in the woods. it was a blonde female. "Mom!" I screamed out. She looked up her cheeks were gone her hair a mess guts hanging out  her hand gone. "n-n-no..." i said before collapsing to my knee's. Michonne and Spencer came out the gate after they heard me scream Mom. They saw Jessie's walker. Spencer held her down but i pulled my knife out. I stabbed her in the head. Her head fell when Spencer carried her back to Alexandria. Carl held my hand. "Carl...?" 'ughhh he probably doesn't like me' i thought to myself.  "Ron you okay?" Carl said. 'screw it' i thought to myself i pressed my lips to Carl's. Carl was surprised. but Carl kissed back. Carl bites (bit? either way hope you understand) my lip a bit. "CARL? RON?" Rick screamed into the woods. We went back to Alexandria both red. "you too okay?" Michonne said. "y-y-ya" Carl said. We looked at each other. "Well me and Daryl are going on a run for supplies." Rick said. "Okay" Carl said grabbing my hand and pulling me to his house. "Carl do you know what sex is?" i asked him. "No i was 8 when it all happened so ya..." Carl said. "Oh well i could teach you.." I told him while climbing on his lap. "R-ron stop this feels weird.." He said dont worry... just let me do something." i told him while i kissed his neck making sure too leave a mark and i nibbled on his ear. "Ron!" Carl moaned. I grinned as i stared at him. "so. did it feel good?" I asked him. He nodded his head up and down.
Carl's POV
that felt so good. i thought to myself. I leaned in and kissed Ron. Ron kissed back. his tongue entered my mouth as it explored it. I felt his lips leave mine as he licked my neck and sucked on it. "Ron!!" i moaned a little louder. I heard a knock at the door. "Carl you okay?" Michonne said from outside the door. "Y-ya!" I said. i heard her walk away from the door. Ron rubbed my chest. "R-ron we should stop.. just for now tho sorry i just dont want Michonne too get too suspicious." I told him. "Okay.." Ron said looking out the window. "Your dads back guess i should go.." Ron said leaving. "Wait! you wanna spend the night?" I asked. "Sure. i got no one else too stay with.." Ron said. I walked over and hugged him. As i walked outside Dad and Daryl had a guy. "There is a group out there called the hilltop.. this guy calls himself Jesus he said its safe but they have no weapons but food a group will be going there to tomorrow." Dad said.
Rons POV
"hilltop..?" i told myself. i went back up to Carl's room and laid on the bed. Carl  soon came up and laid next to me on the bed. I moved next too Carl as I wrapped my arms around him. I heard Michonne moaning from the Ricks room (;D richonne) "Carl..? have you.. masturbated before?" i asked him. "No" Carl said. I slid Carl's shirt off. "Ron what are you doing?" He asked as i continued to undress him. "Dont worry" I told him as i kissed his neck. I began too keep kissing him as i went lower. "Ron stop your going t-to l-low" Carl said. I then licked the tip of his dick. "R-r-ron please stop" He said. (Jesus what an i doing with my life XD) I began too deep throat it. i felt warm liquid go down my throat (0-0) "Rick wake up" I heard a voice say from Ricks room. i quickly started too put Carl's close back on. "shh.." i told Carl as i slept on Carl's chest.
Michonne's POV
I held my katanna naked which made me feel uncomfortable. Rick who was also naked had his revolver aimed at Jesus. I put my clothes on as i went too go check on Ron and Carl who were asleep. "Jesus what are you doing in my house" Rick asked him. "Your about to meet a larger world" Jesus said. "Ron and Carl are asleep" I told Rick before going downstairs. 

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