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you see this key?

why don't you use imagery to see this key.
oh this key.
this key is your escape.
escape from all the hurt
the danger, lies, criticising, illegal, insecure, death.
the curiosity of the mind,
where did the chicken go when it crossed the road.
why did it need to get to the other side.
who made that riddle up?
where did the word chicken come from?
why chicken?
why road?
what is this language we use to communicate to one or another.
the canvas!
oh dear, this canvas for an artist to paint,
that artist starts marking up the canvas
they're done with their masterpiece
until you realise the canvas is their wrist
and each cut on that wrist has its own story
don't judge them
don't laugh at them
it could only make it worse
you remember that girl
oh that one girl that every guy in the middle school thought was sexy

she had long hair, green eyes, already developed a c cup bra.
every guy thought she was perfect
left all the girls in the school jealous
they started rumours about her that she slept with almost every guy in the school
the pretty girl heard that rumour and she thought her life was over
teachers had her moved to the back of the class along with this other young boy... they were moved to the back of class so students wouldn't kick the back of their chair or being bombarded by infinite numbers of spitballs.
he..., 75 pounds, anorexia, bulimia...
the kids make fun of him because he's so skinny, they call him stick or bones
they both instantly became friends, he said to her, we're in this together
then said inspiring words to cheer her up;
you see this plate?

this plate has a story.
plates can get bullied and abused,
when you crack it and when you break it.
you don't know whether or not plates have feelings...
maybe they do, like you and i
they just can't express it like we can but when we choose to not to, we get ran over by the hatred...
where are you friends when you need them?
where are the ones that said they'll be there for you?
when you needed them...
they weren't there.
and this question runs through your head,
why? why me?
then you say,
maybe I deserve it...
sometimes you have to look on the brighter side
and see that you're lucky to have your life,
compared to others that are starving, can't breathe on their own, or can't even walk.
your life is pretty damn good if you can walk, breathe on your own and you have an opportunity to eat food.
you're okay.
you're fine.
you're binding your chest.
still telling lies.
fighting back tears
ashamed of yourself
just say,
me, myself, and I is who I am
and I will stay who I am because I love who I am
and if you can't except who I am then that's your loss
maybe you should realise that people in this world actually do look up to you.
they think you're a leader
they think you're an inspiration
they wish they were you
you may feel sad, lonely and depressed but those people around you.....

deep down care about you.
whether you believe it or not
but believe,
that we are one
and we can fight this together
we can outrun
the ones that've put us down
and what is done cannot be undone and before you put the gun next to your head remember all the fun and the beautiful sun that may shine for you everyday.
beware of the ones that will be effected by your decision
because what you have given
the constellations in an instant they will fall
all because of your addiction
flickering silence will fall

how could you fall in love so quickly,
this is not, Romeo nor Juliet.
look over your shoulder
see the world,
it can be cruel,
abut remember,
happiness is the key.

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